====== Horus ====== This page describes the original Horus mobile mapping resources for Orbit import. Use the corresponding [[221:desktop_ext:mapping:manage_import:templates|Orbit Import Template]] to import the described original data. \\ It is recommend to read first [[221:technology:3d_mapping:about_resources|]]. ===== Panoramas ===== === Image files === * Image type : Equirectangular panoramas. * Image resolution : Ratio 2×1, advised 8000×4000 pixels. * File format : *.jpeg file. * File name : Exactly as "Frame" value of image positions file, see below. * Folder structure : All files in one folder. === Image positions file === * File format : One "MetaData_equi_xxx_WGS.csv" file. * File structure Rows: Each image is one record. * File structure Columns : Semicolon separated (char59), headers, with exact order as the example below * Value of Image ID : "Frame" value, filename as on disk with file extension, see below. * Value of Coordinates : any [[221:technology:core:crs|supported coordinate system]] can be used, Long/Lat order for geographical coordinates, decimal notation, without thousands separator. * Value of Timestamps : Plain text. Frame; Altitude; Azimuth; Heading; y/Lat; x/Long; NMEA; NumberOfSatellites; Quality; Pitch; Roll; Timestamp 2017_Rotterdam_000000.jpeg; -15.689142; 179.426123; 179.426123; 4.468303168; 51.899573064; $EVT1,373727.654840,G,00004451*39 ; 0; 6; 0.536558; 0.508829; 3/30/2017 8:45:51 AM 2017_Rotterdam_000001.jpeg; -15.536503; 179.426721; 179.426721; 4.468304045; 51.899532076; $EVT1,373728.086847,G,00004452*3B ; 0; 6; 0.777179; 0.394623; 3/30/2017 8:45:51 AM 2017_Rotterdam_000002.jpeg; -15.377866; 179.395847; 179.395847; 4.468304866; 51.899491052; $EVT1,373728.518854,G,00004453*3A ; 0; 6; 0.837999; 0.47444; 3/30/2017 8:45:52 AM ... ===== LiDAR ===== === Point cloud files === * File format : One or more [[221:technology:supported_formats:index|supported point cloud]] file formats. * File structure : Las/Laz or Ascii *.txt, *.csv file. * Las (recommended) or Laz : Las version 1.2. * Ascii File : Space separated (Char32), headers, with exact order as the example below. Line ends by carriage return char(13) and newline char(10) sequence. * Value of Coordinates : Same reference as Trajectory. * Value of Timestamp : Same reference as Trajectory. Long(X) Lat(Y) Z R G B I 4.40487692010655 50.8510926423286 125.763312461527 16 17 19 46 4.40487698750245 50.8510916370433 125.761583937394 16 17 19 46 ...