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====== Shadow ====== A shadow can be used for displaying a symbol or a label. {{shadow_print_drop.png?nolink|}} {{shadow_print_perspective.png?nolink|}} ** Style ** \\ {{ shadow_drop.png?nolink&100|}} Choose the Shadow Style between Drop Shadow or Perspective Shadow. * Drop shadow - the shadow corresponding to the label if we consider the sun position as being above the object, the result is a shadow displayed under the object. {{ shadow_perspective.png?nolink&100|}} * Perspective shadow - the shadow corresponding to the label if we consider the sun as being in front of the object, the result is a shadow displayed perpendicular to the object. ** Drop Direction ** The shadow dropping direction, which determines the relative position of the shadow in respect to the label. ** Drop Distance ** The distance between the label and the shadow in meters, mm on paper or points on screen. | ::: | //A small distance// \\ {{shadow_distance_small.png?nolink&100|}} | //A large distance// \\ {{shadow_distance_big.png?nolink&100|}} | ** Perspective Light Angle ** The angle of light incidence, which determines the position of the shadow. ** Perspective Length ** The length of the shadow perspective, set by adjusting the slider. | ::: | //A small distance// \\ {{shadow_distance_small.png?nolink&100|}} | //A large distance// \\ {{shadow_distance_big.png?nolink&100|}} | ** Blur ** The fading of the shadow, set by adjusting the slider. | Blur = 0 , no fading: | Blur = 5 , maximal fading: | | {{shadow_blur_small.png?nolink&100|}} | {{shadow_blur_big.png?nolink&100|}} |