====== Orbit MM Update 10.0 - May 2011 ====== Feature Summary of the May 12, 2011 update. Version 10.0 \\ * Latest Release : [[111:mobile_mapping:desktop:updates:current|]] * Other Orbit Updates : [[111:technologies:updates:index|]] ===== Installation ===== The latest release can be [[http://www.orbitgis.com/store/product/asset-inventory-management-mobile-mapping|downloaded]] from the Orbit website. \\ Do not overwrite a previous installation with this new version !! Some configurations are changed and will cause conflict with previous settings resulting in runtime errors. ===== New Features ===== ==== Improved management of Mobile Mapping data ==== * Possibility to group mobile mapping **runs** into mobile mapping **projects** * Administrator procedures for managing mobile mapping runs and projects * Full Server-side processing of mobile mapping projects (including project point cloud mgmt) * Organization of run en project files in subdirectories ==== Optimization of the Panorama overlay and measurements ==== * Re-engineerd solution for CRS transformations for each panorama to achieve the most accurate projected measurement and overlays. * Visualization of and Preference setting to view measure rays in other panoramas * Visualisation of the xy and z measure vectors for distance measurements * Visualisation of the selection highlighting * Optimization of the visibility of the panorama technical information * Completion of panorama snapshots with dataset overlays and measure information * Enhanced use of the shift-click functionality during measurement to jump to next panorama * Improved presentation of panorama tools ==== Additional asset inventory functionalities ==== * Start a new assent inventory theme from an import of a vector resource * Newly created themes are directly added to all workspaces that have access to the inventory procedures * Available themes follow the order of the dataset list ==== Upgrade of the Orbit Core ==== * Full support of Oracle and PostgreSQL databases and proper spatial information. * New Orbit GIS tools (in stand-alone only) * Convert Image Format * Make Multiresolution Image * Create Buffer * Georeference Image * Georeference Vector * Make Symbol Library Image * Make Legend Display Image ===== Bug fixes ===== * Coordinate transformation of images * Correct visibility of image dataset (.ecw) in case of CRS transformation * Image datasets directly available after reset of the dataset CRS * Query tool * Re-engineered to tackle point clouds and point cloud extractions * Object Inspector : Optimization of use * Export selection now includes dataset CRS * Supported vector export formats .ovf, .ovt, .shp, .shp2 * Clean up of spatial information tab * Attribute component options correctly available * Panorama MapCanvas view angle now respects the MapCanvas rotation