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====== Basic Appearance Areas ====== {{area.png?nolink|}} ^ Area Fill ^^ | Fill Area | Tick to activate the area fill visibility and show filled areas in the map view. | | Fill Color | [[110:orbitgis:datasets:legend:parameters:color|Choose a color]] for area fill. | | Fill Transparency | Set the transparency percentage of the fill color from opaque to completely transparent. | ^ Outline ^^ | Show Outline | Tick to activate the line visibility and show lines in the map view. | | Outline Color | Choose a color for lines. | | Outline Width | Enter a line width and select a [[110:orbitgis:datasets:legend:parameters:size|size unit]]. | | Outline Style | Select a [[110:orbitgis:datasets:legend:parameters:line_style|line style]]. | | Style Length | Enter a [[110:orbitgis:datasets:legend:parameters:style_length|style length]] repetition and select a size unit. | [[110:orbitgis:datasets:legend:parameters:all_area|{{edit_all_parameters_enabled.png|}}]] Click on the "Edit All Parameters" button to modify [[110:orbitgis:datasets:legend:parameters:all_area|]].