This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Step 6: Finish the project


This is the last 'New Project' wizard step:

Press the finish button to complete the project.
This is a necessary step to get out of the Edit Project wizard.

The result of the creation of a new photogrammetric project will be shown in the Orbit GIS dialog as follows:

Example 1

A project containing 4 photos. The blue color is for all images that are available on disc, and viewable.

Example 2

Another example shows a project for which only a few images are available.
The grey borders are unavailable images.
However they can be activated at any moment when the images become available.
This is done by using step 3 of the wizard: 'Image Files'.

In this example you see that the strips are flown in north-south direction.
Strabo checks automatically which are the main strip orientations, and uses this information during panning in a stereo viewer context.

Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36