This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

The Ortho Menu


The Ortho menu forms an interface to the Strabo ortho production tool.
The available functions automate the preparation and the creation of the orthorectified images.
When EO (external Orientation) and a DEM are available, all parameters are ready to start making orthorectified images.

The first menu 'Open Strabo Ortho Wizard…' function starts a wizard for the creation of rectified images for all the individual project images.

The second “Start Ortho Mosaic Dialog…” starts a dialog for the creation of a mosaic.

The third function “Mosaic Editor…” opens a dialog for the semi-automatic creation of cutlines, followed by mosaicing.

Open Strabo Ortho Wizard

Wizard Step 1: Define the Target Projection System


Select the appropriate Projection system for the actual project.

Goto the next wizard step.

Wizard Step 2: Select Project Height

There are three options.

  1. Fixed height:
    1. The ground surface is set at a constant height.
  2. Oriented Plane:
    1. The ground surface is approximated by a best fit plane on the actual DEM points, which can be a very limited set of DEM points.
  3. Use TIN Based on DEM points:
    1. A TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) will be calculated and used as approximation for the ground truth.

Wizard Step 3: Add Breaklines

This dialog gives the opportunity to introduce datasets containing breaklines.
These 3D vector datasets can be created using the Strabo Softcopy environment.

Wizard Step 4: Select the target pixelsize.

Strabo proposes a GSD equal to the pixelsize on ground height expressed in m.
Introduce the GSD of your choice, and forward to the next step.

Wizard Step 5: Select a directory to save the results.

Select the folder under which you want to save all the individual orthorectified images, using the “Browse” button.

Wizard Step 6: Execute Rectification.

  1. Select the images you want to rectify
  2. Press the “Go!” button
  3. The progress bar shows the actual progress regarding the rectification of the selected images.

This means, that you can rectify a subset af all the images.

After the recification you can con continue processing the mosaic.

Press the button to exit the wizard after all selected images are processed.

Ortho Mosaic Dialog

If all individual rectified images exist, and the cutlines are defined, then this dialog creates for you the final mosaic image.

  1. Select the folder containing the individual orthorectified images.
  2. Select the dataset containing the cutlines. These cutlines can be created using OrbitGIS or the “Mosaic Editor” dialog.
  3. Enter the name for the mosaic.
  4. Select the destination folder for the final mosaic.
  5. Pixel size: introduce the GSD for the Mosaic expressed in meter.
  6. Select a brightness setting.
  7. Select or deselect the option to use color balancing.
  8. Press the “Create” button to start processing the mosaic.

Mosaic Editor

Selecting this menu function will first check for the availability of cutlines.
If they do not exist under a folder called “cutlines”, then the next dialog will show up:

Next, the following editor will appear:

Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36