This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Saving and Exchanging Annotations

The Orbit Annotation File

Annotations can be saved in an Orbit Annotation File (*.oaf). The graphic properties are stored in the file.

Orbit GIS works with one Annotation at the time.

New Annotation

Clears the annotation without save. If you haven't saved, the annotation are lost. There is no UNDO available.

Open Annotation File

Opens an annotation file and replaces the current annotation by the one in the file. To open an annotation from an attribute, click on the attribute value in the Object Inspector. See Annotations as Spatial Object Attribute.

Save Annotation

Saves the annotation in the current file/attribute. It overwrites the file/attribute your last opened or last saved as. If no file/attribute reference is available, this function operates as the Save As … function.

Save Annotation As ...

Saves the current annotation in a new file.

Close Annotation

Closes the current annotation. When the annotation has changed after the last save, you will be prompted to save, close without save or cancel.

Exchanging Annotations

Since annotations are georeferenced, you can easily exchange your remarks with a college. Just save the annotation in a file, and email the *.oaf file. Your collegue can open this file using the Open Annotation File function.

Since Orbit can work with dynamic Symbol Libraries, make sure that your collegue has access to the symbols you used in your annotation properties.
You may wish to communicate a symbol library as well.
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36