Measure Sidebar
This page documents the 3DM Viewer Measure Feature Sidebar.
Orbit 3DM Viewer > Sidebar > Feature Sidebars > Measure
Different types of measurements can be performed on the Reference View and the Views. With the Measurement Sidebar one can choose the measurement function, view the results and export the measurements as a feature layer.
Measure Functions
Measure Mode
Set the Measure Mode via Settings > Measure > Measure Technique.
Activate measure function
Start the desired measurement function with a single click on the corresponding icon. If a measure function is activated, the appearance of the cursor changes in a rectangular cross when hovering the mouse pointer above a view.
All measurement functions are described on this page: Manual 3D Measurement Functions.
Perform measurement
It is possible to start a measurement in one view and finish it in another view. This, of course, depends on the measurement technique that is chosen.
While the measurement is active, some gesture like pan and zoom are still available. Holding CTRL
allows you to navigate to other photo's.
Specifics on measuring in a Spherical View Mode:
- Click on a footprint to open another image connected to that footprint and continue the measurement in that image.
- Hold Ctrl and click somewhere in the image to open another image that is closest to the chosen location and continue measurement in that image.
When making an open-ended measurement mode, the measurement can be closed by double-clicking or by pressing the “Stop” button.
Pressing the “Clear” button will clear the current measurement and return the viewer to navigation mode.
Results from absolute measurements (point coordinates) are displayed in the active CRS of the publication.
The default CRS is WGS84 decimal degrees. Switching to a different CRS and other Measure options are available via Settings > Measure
Results from relative measurements (distances, areas) will be calculated in an on-the-fly calculated local projection centered around the first measured coordinate. This local projection returns the most realistic metric result at all times.
The displayed measurement result can be saved to a table. For every added measurement code and comment information can be added.
- Delete: The selected measurement result will be removed from the table.
- Delete all: All measurement results will be removed from the table.
Export Measurements
The Download button allows to download results added in the table into an O3M, KML or GeoJSON “orbit-3dm-measure” file .