Inspector Sidebar

This page documents the 3DM Viewer Inspector Feature Sidebar.
Orbit 3DM Viewer > Sidebar > Feature Sidebars > Inspector

A vector file consists of both spatial and non-spatial data. The spatial data is the geographical location and the shape of the features, the non-spatial data is defined in the attribute table. The Inspector Sidebar allows getting detailed information about those features of an available vector file. This can be done by selecting a feature in one of the Views (spatial data) or searching for non-spatial data connected to the features via search.

Dedicated Inspector Settings are available.


Activate 'select' and select one or more features in the view and/or reference view. Hold “ctrl” to select multiple features. It is possible to select features from different vector resources at the same time.


This indicates the number of selected features and for which one the attributes are listed below.
'Resource' indicates the resource name of the feature of which the attributes are listed.
Go through all selected features via the arrows on the screen.


All attributes of the currently active feature are listed here. It's possible to copy the values to the clipboard via the button below.

Search on attribute string and integer values of visible file-based vector datasets (ovf, ovt, odb or owfs). Attribute float values are not queried.
The search result only shows the first 5000 matches.

Select the resource you want to search.

Select the attribute you want to search.

Enter a value you want to search for.

Exact Match
Search for the exact value? When false, a wildcard search takes place using value ``*<value>*``

Include Mapping Res.

  • Choose the resource and the attribute name from the drop-down lists.
  • Fill in a value to search for.
  • Check the 'Exact Match' box if the value that was filled in should match the attribute value exactly.
  • Check the 'Include Mapping Res.' box if the search should be value that was filled in should match the attribute value exactly.
  • Click'Search' to execute. Click'Clear' to clear the current search.


Idem ditto as in the 'Select' tab of this sidebar.

Focus makes it possible to focus the Reference View on features of which the attributes are listed below. If 'Auto-Focus' is checked then the Reference View will focus on the feature when going through them via the arrows on the screen.


Idem ditto as in the 'Select' tab of this sidebar.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47