Fly Sidebar

This page documents the 3DM Viewer Fly Feature Sidebar.
Orbit 3DM Viewer > Sidebar > Feature Sidebars > Fly

A fly-through movie is a simulated navigation on the Map 3D following a predefined 3D Movie Path. All visible 2D and 3D resources are included in the movie recordings as visible in the recorded view mode.

The Fly Sidebar allows to create and edit a 3D fly-through movie.

Add new Fly-through

Add a new Fly-through movie by clicking 'Add' and specifying a name in the pop-up window. Use a relevant name to ease the search for a specific Fly-through movie in the list.

List of Existing Fly-through's

Search Fly-Through
Use the search function to look for the wanted Fly-through.

Start Fly-Through
If a Fly-through is created and a path has been set using the Edit tool, than the Fly-Through movie can be started using this button.

Edit Fly-Through
Set-up a newly created Fly-through movie or edit an existing one.

Edit a Fly-through

Edit Flight Name
Change the name of the Fly-Through movie.

Edit Flight Settings
Choose the corresponding view in 3D view mode from where the video needs to be recorded. The selected view will be highlighted with a purple frame. Set Fly-through speed.

Define Way Points
The Movie Path is defined by a list of Way points. A Way point combines a coordinate and view direction.

  • Add : Add the current View Position as Way point.
  • Update : Replace the selected Way point by the current Map 3D View Position.
  • Remove : Delete the selected Way point.

Choose a way point from where the flight needs to start by going to the chosen point and click 'Start Flight From This Way Point'.
A flight can be played backwards by choosing the option at the top of the view during the play.

Delete Flight
Delete the entire Fly-Through movie.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47