Bookmarks Sidebar

This page documents the 3DM Viewer Workspace Bookmark Sidebar.
Orbit 3DM Viewer > Sidebar > Feature Sidebars > Workspace

A Bookmark is a saved setup of your 3D Mapping Cloud Viewer and its current settings. It holds the Resources, your Views, your Screen setup, your Point of View etc. It helps to go back to a viewpoint or situation that needs to be marked for a certain purpose.

The Bookmark Sidebar allows to create, edit and share bookmarks.

Add New Bookmark

By clicking Add New, the current situation of all open Resources and Views will be saved.
Since there is no limit on the amount of bookmarks, relevant naming is crucial.

List of Existing Bookmarks

Use the search function to look for the correct bookmark.

Open an existing bookmark from the list.

Sharing a Bookmark is an ad hoc and informal way of sharing data and views. The user will have less tools available than you have if you open the viewer from the account in which it was created or as a named user who has access to the publication. A Bookmark can be opened using a URL or can be embedded in a website, using HTML iFrame.

  • Check Available for Guest Users : Anyone using the shared URL or viewing when embedded on your website can view the bookmark. Make sure your Account provides enough Guest user access.
  • Uncheck Available for Guest Users : The user needs to sign in – only Named Users can access. However, there is no condition set to which Named Users can access. As long as the person can sign in, the Bookmark can be opened. So make sure you only share it with the right people !


The name and the views of the bookmark can be edited. It's also possible to include the current annotations in the bookmark.

Click Update after modification to overwrite the bookmark with the new settings.
Click Delete to remove the bookmark.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47