Viewer Catalog

This page documents the 3DM Viewer Viewer Catalog.
Orbit 3DM Viewer > Sidebar > Viewer Catalog icon


The Viewer Catalog holds the list of all resources available for sharing in the workspace.
The Viewer Catalog can be reached by the Catalog icon at the bottom of the Sidebar.

Orbit 3DM Cloud
My Catalog gives access to resources available to the logged-in named user as shown in the My Catalog in the Console.
The System Catalog allows accessing multiple resources, base maps, and terrains as sample data.
The Catalog menu is not available when opening a publication from another 3D Mapping Cloud account or as a guest user.

Orbit Orbit 3DM Publisher
This menu is only available when editing a Publication. When launching a Publication, the Catalog cannot be accessed.


The catalog contains multiple list pages of different resource types: Resources, Base Maps, Terrains, Linear References, and Publications.
Add any resources to the Viewer by clicking on the slider.
Use the 'Clear All' button to remove all resources from the active workspace and start over.
Use the search box to filter the list or click 'Active' at the top right to show only the already added resources from the workspace. Using '#active' or '#inactive' in the search box will also filter the list.

Only for 3DM Cloud: The three dots on the right of each resource allows inspecting the metadata of a specific resource.

All the resources that are available in the Console are listed.
For each recourse, the specifications and tags can be consulted. Choose the specification field to be shown as columns from the 'Display/Hide Columns' drop-down.

Base Maps
All available base maps from the Catalog in the Console are listed.
A resource is defined as Base Map in the resource Specs and Tags in the Console.
Flagging a base map as “favorite” has the effect of always having it enabled in any workspace you open.

All available Terrains from the Catalog in the Console are listed.
A resource is defined as Terrain in the resource Specs and Tags in the Console. Flagging a Terrain as “favorite” has the effect of always having it enabled in any workspace you open.

Linear References
All available linear reference resources from the Catalog in the Console are listed.
A resource is defined as a Linear reference resource in the resource Specs and Tags in the Console.

Publications - Only for 3DM Cloud
Available publications for the logged-in Named User are listed here from where they can be launched.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47