Shape Creator

This page describes the desktop extension “Shape Creator”.

Main Toolbar > Extract > Shape Creator


The Shape Creator extension allows creating shapes in different libraries that can be used when performing Intensity Template 2D Detection, Traffic Sign Detection, and Clash Detection. A library is included with the installation. So if a library is missing, please consult the support service.


Choose the library in which you would like to manage the shapes: Road Marks, Traffic Signs or Clash Detection.


The list of existing shapes inside the selected library will be shown.

* New: Create a new shape. The Shape Creator is opened, which gives access to construction and edit tools.
* Add: It is possible to draw a shape on Map 3D or Slice Views using the Area Measure functions. This area can be added as a shape via this button.
* Import: An existing .ovf file that includes a shape can be added.
* Duplicate: Duplicate the selected shape inside the same library.
* Edit: The Shape Creator is opened, which gives access to construction and edit tools to edit the existing shape.
* Export: Export the selected shape to an .ovf file.
* Delete: Remove the selected shape from the library.
* Copy to: Copy a selected shape to another library, chosen from the drop-down.


A preview of the selected shape is shown. You can change the name of the shape there.


Only available when managing the shapes inside the Road Marks library. Possibility to set the direction of the shape.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47