Rutting Analysis

This page describes the desktop extension “Rutting” on Point Cloud resources.

Main Toolbar > Extract > Rutting


The Rutting Analysis extension detects rutting on the road surface.
Rutting is a longitudinal surface depression that occurs in the wheel paths of the asphalt road surface due to the continuous passage of traffic.

The detection can be done from a path or from specific areas, but always using a path reference that simulates the traffic direction.

Rutting analysis calculates per point cloud point or per point cloud voxel the normal perpendicular to the driving direction. This indicates the slope of the road perpendicular to the driving direction.
Additionally, results can be grouped per area of interest, e.g. to get the maximum rutting angle per square meter or road segment of interest

IRI and PCI indexes can be derived from the Orbit rutting analysis, but are not calculated by Obit.


Use the generic workflow for Point Cloud Based Extensions to define the source file.

Range of Interest

The methods for the range of interest are 'Path' and 'Multiple Areas'.

Path is expected to be in the direction of traffic.

If method selected is 'Multiple Areas', a Supplement,Path section is added, so the path can be defined.


Generic concepts, see Preferences for Detectors

When creating a new project preset parameters are copied from the Detector Preferences.

Changing parameters in the sidebar influences the currently opened project immediately, while Parameters in the Preferences are only taken into account at the moment of Project creation.


Delegate the process to the task manager or start now.


Main result is the colorization of the point cloud based on rutting angle. Higher intense red means more pronounced rutting.

When selected in parameters, rutting clusters are also created.

If range of interest method is 'Multiple Areas', a new area-dataset will be created with maximum and minimum rutting angle per area, as well as a rutting point per area with maximum rutting location.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47