Trimble MX9
This page describes the original Trimble MX9 mobile mapping resources exported by TBC for Orbit import.
Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.
Trajectory positions file
- File format : One ASCII *.csv file.
- File structure Rows: Each timestamp is one record.
- File structure Columns: Tab-separated (char9), headers, with exact order as the example below.
- Value of Coordinates: WGS 84 - Geographical Coordinates - EPSG 4326
- Value of Timestamp: GPS Absolute time or GPS Week time, decimal notation, without thousand separators.
gps_seconds[s] latitude[deg] longitude[deg] altitude_ellipsoidal[m] north_rms[m] east_rms[m] down_rms[m] roll_rms[deg] pitch_rms[deg] heading_rms[deg] 1221495399.00428 39.8051948261254 -105.053722376661 1595.98993904292 0.0240131000359966 0.0254014053884056 0.0425396629168235 0.00285531746013752 0.0027849077469318 0.021102085140721 1221495399.10439 39.8051948007525 -105.053721913586 1595.98108046706 0.023678851095815 0.0250498429239084 0.042101676556143 0.00285432636454472 0.00278404025753581 0.0211011398641212 1221495399.20432 39.8051947965313 -105.053721901499 1595.98045752115 0.0233446054973801 0.0246982839742547 0.0416636945743528 0.00285333527886066 0.00278317277681279 0.021100194596972 ...
Image files
- Image type : Ladybug 5, equirectangular panoramas.
- Image resolution : Ratio 2×1, advised 8000×4000 pixels.
- File format : Each image is one *.jpg file.
- File name : Exactly as “file_name” value of image positions file, see below.
- Folder structure : all files in one folder.
Image positions file
- File format : One ASCII *.csv file.
- File structure Rows: One record for each image.
- File structure Columns: Tab-separated (char9), headers, with exact order as the example below.
- Value of “file_name”: filename as on disk, without the file extension.
- Value of Coordinates: any supported coordinate system can be used, Long/Lat order for geographical coordinates, decimal notation, without thousands separator.
The source CRS at import needs to correspond to the last 3 columns of the file. - Value of Timestamp: same as trajectory, see above.
gps_seconds[s] file_name latitude[deg] longitude[deg] altitude_ellipsoidal[m] roll[deg] pitch[deg] heading[deg] projectedX[m] projectedY[m] projectedZ[m] 1221495660.50000 pano_000000_000000 39.8055275 -105.0658966 1605.343 -0.91322 -0.05931 92.81788 494359.165 4406175.118 1622.000 1221495660.60900 pano_000000_000001 39.8055279 -105.0659088 1605.325 -0.95769 0.019860 92.78588 494358.119 4406175.158 1621.982 1221495660.92400 pano_000000_000002 39.8055289 -105.0659439 1605.272 -1.13399 -0.14463 92.69276 494355.116 4406175.273 1621.929 ...
Image files
- Image type: Undistorted images.
- File format: Each image is one *.jpg file.
- Filename: Exactly as “file_name” value of image positions file, see below.
- Folder structure: all files in one folder.
Image positions file
- File format : One ASCII *.csv file.
- File structure Rows: One record for each image.
- File structure Columns: Tab-separated (char9), headers, with exact order as the example below.
- Value of Coordinates: any supported coordinate system can be used, Long/Lat order for geographical coordinates, decimal notation, without thousands separator.
The source CRS at import needs to correspond to the last 3 columns of the file. - Value of Timestamp: same as trajectory, see above.
gps_seconds[s] file_name latitude[deg] longitude[deg] altitude_ellipsoidal[m] roll[deg] pitch[deg] heading[deg] projectedX[m] projectedY[m] projectedZ[m] 1242757108.03920 sideview_000002_000000 33.6662751 -117.7539375 30.520 2.38717 0.58708 156.98329 1860526.965 667318.443 64.941 1242757108.27901 sideview_000002_000001 33.6662295 -117.7539336 30.494 2.36373 0.35372 157.38505 1860527.259 667313.376 64.915 1242757108.51908 sideview_000002_000002 33.6661839 -117.7539299 30.448 2.04047 0.44376 157.75583 1860527.527 667308.315 64.869 ..
Point cloud files
- File format: One or more *.las files for each scanner.
- File structure: Las version 1.2.
- Value of Coordinates: Same CRS as Image Positions.
- Value of Timestamp: Same reference as Trajectory.
Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47