Slagboom & Peeters

This page describes the original Slagboom en Peeters oblique mapping resources for Orbit import.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommended to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.


The generic import has the possibility to import 1 camera and requires one set of images and one footprint position file.

Image files

  • Image type : Rectified, undistorted images.
  • Image resolution : According camera calibration.
  • File format : Each image is one *.jpg file.
  • File name : Exactly as “IMAGE” value of photo position file, see below.
  • Folder structure : All files in one folder.

Image footprint file

  • File format : One *.shp file and corresponding auxiliary files.
  • File structure : The file contains the footprints of the images - attribute columns as example below
  • Value of “IMAGE” : File name as on disk, with file extension.

Create Image position file

The delivered footprints .shp file cannot directly be used as image position file to be imported by Orbit.
A dedicated Tool within Orbit allows you to create the required file.

Execute the following steps:

  1. Make a copy of the Template to be used as Mapping Run
  2. Paste the footprints .shp and corresponding files into the following folder: [OrbitRun]\planar1\import_preparation
  3. Edit and execute the following Orbit Tool with the above file location as set FILE.
    [Orbit 3DM Content Manager]\program\bin_tools\DoObliqueFootprintImport.bat
    This will generate a .txt file at [OrbitRun]\planar1\import_preparation
  4. Open the Mapping Run in Orbit and go to the Oblique Edit Run procedure - Follow the steps as prompt
  5. Import the resulting .txt file as image position file
Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47