
This page describes the original Midas oblique mapping resources for Orbit import.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.


Today the Midas Camera 1 should not be imported, skip the import step and continue from Camera 2.

Image files

  • Files : *.jpg files, each oblique image is one jpg image file.
  • Naming : exactly as described in photo position file (see below, first column)

Image positions and orientations files

  • File : one *.csv or *.txt file for each camera
  • Structure : Flat ascii text file
    • Rows : each image is one record
    • Columns : comma separated (char44), headers, with exact order as the example below.
  • Structure of file name : file name as on disk, with file extension.
  • Crs : Any supported projected coordinate system can be used, but all imported oblique resources should have the same crs.
002_0004_00005788,137955.641707,455873.325449,743.032408, 0.012064850,-0.784358977,-1.560480000
002_0004_00005789,137814.825564,455874.111392,742.723025, 0.010634448,-0.784480138,-1.570642214
002_0004_00005790,137673.525046,455875.456388,742.837419, 0.005307738,-0.784423327,-1.571384817

Camera calibration

CameraID     Pixel size (mm)     Image Width     Image Height     Focal length (mm)     PPO_X     PPO_Y     k0     k1     k2     k3     P1     P2     B1     B2
CAM02     0.0049     7360     4912     84.9315     -0.15525     -0.03165     0     -0.0000182715     0.0000000224     0.0000000000     -0.0000000001     0.0000000001     0.0000000000     0.0000000000
CAM03     0.0049     7360     4912     84.9254     -0.15585     -0.08345     0     -0.0000176432     0.0000000203     0.0000000000     -0.0000000001     0.0000000002     0.0000000000     0.0000000000
CAM04     0.0049     7360     4912     85.0208     -0.18355     0.09635     0     -0.0000167020     0.0000000194     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     -0.0000000002     0.0000000000     0.0000000000
CAM05     0.0049     7360     4912     84.9167     -0.07655     0.07705     0     -0.0000181589     0.0000000216     0.0000000000     0.0000000002     -0.0000000003     0.0000000000     0.0000000000

For every camera it is required to review and adjust the default Orbit template camera calibrations, prior to the import.
<Orbit installation directory>/program/ext/obliques/project/template/<template_name>/planar<1,2,3,4,5>/import/import_locations.ord


Raster file

  • File : one *.tif file with corresponding *.tfw
  • Naming : free of choice
  • Crs : Any supported projected coordinate system can be used, but all imported oblique resources should have the same crs.
Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47