Orbit Publication

This page describes how to connect an Orbit Mobile Mapping Publication.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.

Publication Access

Orbit desktop products support the import of data from Orbit MM Publisher publications.
One must have a valid username and password to access a specific publication in order to be able to import it in desktop products.

Import Run

Orbit provides a dedicated import wizard to establish and save the connection to a publication.The online panoramas and point cloud can be used like other Mobile Mapping resources.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Import Run

The import procedure consists out of 2 consecutive wizards :

Create new Orbit Run

Configure the connection to a Publication

To connect to a Publication, follow the steps:

  1. Fill in the required information:
    • Service URL : <server/port/publications>
    • Username : publication username
    • Password : publication password
  2. Connect : press connect to establish the connection to the server
  3. Publication : choose a publication from the list of available publications
  4. Category : choose a category; categories must be set for the published data in order to have a valid connection. See: Publishers
  5. Save Credentials : press to save the connection parameters


Pay attention, when using Pan tool, the Photo Positions are loaded at scales larger than 1/2500.

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47