This page describes the original Horus mobile mapping resources for Orbit import.
Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.
Image files
- Image type : Equirectangular panoramas.
- Image resolution : Ratio 2×1, advised 8000×4000 pixels.
- File format : *.jpeg file.
- File name : Exactly as “Frame” value of image positions file, see below.
- Folder structure : All files in one folder.
Image positions file
- File format : One “MetaData_equi_xxx_WGS.csv” file.
- File structure Rows: Each image is one record.
- File structure Columns : Semicolon separated (char59), headers, with exact order as the example below
- Value of Image ID : “Frame” value, filename as on disk with file extension, see below.
- Value of Coordinates : any supported coordinate system can be used, Long/Lat order for geographical coordinates, decimal notation, without thousands separator.
- Value of Timestamps : Plain text.
Frame; Altitude; Azimuth; Heading; y/Lat; x/Long; NMEA; NumberOfSatellites; Quality; Pitch; Roll; Timestamp 2017_Rotterdam_000000.jpeg; -15.689142; 179.426123; 179.426123; 4.468303168; 51.899573064; $EVT1,373727.654840,G,00004451*39 ; 0; 6; 0.536558; 0.508829; 3/30/2017 8:45:51 AM 2017_Rotterdam_000001.jpeg; -15.536503; 179.426721; 179.426721; 4.468304045; 51.899532076; $EVT1,373728.086847,G,00004452*3B ; 0; 6; 0.777179; 0.394623; 3/30/2017 8:45:51 AM 2017_Rotterdam_000002.jpeg; -15.377866; 179.395847; 179.395847; 4.468304866; 51.899491052; $EVT1,373728.518854,G,00004453*3A ; 0; 6; 0.837999; 0.47444; 3/30/2017 8:45:52 AM ...
Point cloud files
- File format : One or more supported point cloud file formats.
- File structure : Las/Laz or Ascii *.txt, *.csv file.
- Las (recommended) or Laz : Las version 1.2.
- Ascii File : Space separated (Char32), headers, with exact order as the example below. Line ends by carriage return char(13) and newline char(10) sequence.
- Value of Coordinates : Same reference as Trajectory.
- Value of Timestamp : Same reference as Trajectory.
Long(X) Lat(Y) Z R G B I 4.40487692010655 50.8510926423286 125.763312461527 16 17 19 46 4.40487698750245 50.8510916370433 125.761583937394 16 17 19 46 ...
Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47