Reality Management

This page describes the desktop extension “Reality Management”.

Main Toolbar > Manage > Reality Mangement


The extension makes it possible to upload, verify, compare, and download resources from Bentley's Reality Management cloud storage and management solution, previously called ProjectWise ContextShare.
To upload resources to Orbit 3DM Cloud, see 3D Mapping Cloud Upload.

Reality Management

Bentley's Reality Management relies on Bentley's Cloud Services and is used for storing, sharing, and streaming reality data resources.
For more information about Reality Management, see iTwin Reality Management.

Bentley Connection Client

Bentley's Connection Client software provides runtime components required for applications to access Bentley Cloud Services.
The Connection Client has to be installed, running, and connected.

The Bentley Connection Client is bundled with iTwin Capture Installers downloaded from Bentley Software downloads.
If you do not have the latest installed, download here.


The data upload runs in 8 parallel threads.
The number of threads can be increased via the Orbit Desktop Startup Configurations > Upload Threads.

DNS Records

The DNS entries used by Bentley iTwin Reality Management and Orbit 3DM Cloud solutions, see Storage Nodes & DNS Records.


The “Connect” button interacts with Bentley's Connection Client to log in to your Bentley Connect account.
Once connected, the ProjectWise ContextShare Projects for which you are an explicit Team Member are listed. Maximum 1000 projects are listed 1). Search and select a project to continue.
The “Open Portal” button becomes available upon selecting a Project to directly access the ContextShare Web Portal. Use the Portal to list, manage and consume ContextShare Reality Data associated with the selected project.


Select an Action “New”, “Update” or “Download”.

  • New: Upload a Local Resource as a new ContextShare Reality Data.
  • Update: Upload a Local Resource as an update of an existing ContextShare Reality Data.
  • Download: Download of ContextShare Reality data.

Reality Data

Available for Update and Download Action.

Lists the available ContextShare Reality Data within the selected Project.
Select a ContextShare Reality Data to Update using a Local Resource or to Download.

Local Resource Origin

Available for New and Update Action.

Select the local resource reference “Catalog”, “File” or “Directory”.

  • Catalog: Upload resources managed by the local Catalog.
  • File: Upload single-file resource. Multi-file resources must be uploaded using “Directory”.
  • Directory: Upload all files in a directory, and optionally subdirectories:
    • a) all files of a specific single-file resource storage format (e.g. multiple LASzip resource files).
    • b) all files part of one multi-file resource storage format (e.g. all files of one Web-Ready 3D Scalable Mesh resource).

Use of “Catalog” as Local Resource Origin is advised to upload resources intended for web consumption (viewing/streaming). The “Catalog” verifies if a resource is web-ready and prevents uploading resources that cannot be consumed in the Reality Data Web Viewer, Photo Navigation, or 3DM Viewer.

Use “File” or “Directory” as Local Resource Origin to upload resources intended for archiving or file-sharing.

Local Resources

Available for “New” and “Update” Action using “Catalog” Local Resource Origin.

Lists “Catalog” resources that are a) 3DM Viewer compatible and b) Available, see Catalog.

File Selection

Available for “New” and “Update” Action using “File” or “Directory” Local Resource Origin.

Specify the Storage format and select a single file:

  • File Upload
    Select the file of the selected storage format.
  • Directory Upload, single-file resource
    Select a file representing the selected storage format. All files of this storage format inside the directory will be uploaded.
  • Directory Upload, multi-file resource
    Select the root file of the selected storage format.

Resource Details

Available for “New” and “Update” Action.

Review the metadata of the selected local resource and, optionally, update the name of the resources to be used in ContextShare.

Target Directory

Available for “Download” Action only.

Specify the local directory to download the selected ContextShare Reality Data.

New, Update, Download

Start the selected Action immediately or delegate it to the Task Manager.


The “ContextShare” tab lists all resources registered in the selected ContextShare Project.

From version 22.4, maximum 1000 projects are listed. Older versions list maximum 100 projects
Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47