Create Snapshots

This page describes the procedure to automatically create snapshots from asset objects and a mapping resource.

Resources Catalog > Asset Resources > Resrouce Context Menu > Generate Data


The asset objects are projected in the mapping resource photos and, depending on the parameters selected, those are used to create snapshots of the objects.


Asset Resource

Select the asset resource to create the snapshots for.

Height attribute

Select how the height of the snapshot is defined: from preference or select which theme object attribute to use as height.

Width attribute

Select how the width of the snapshot is defined: from preference or select which theme object attribute to use as width.

Mapping resource

Select the mapping resource to use.


Select one specific camera to use or all cameras available in mapping resource.

Add new / Replace existing

Select if the snapshots created should be added or if they should replace existing snapshots in asset resurce.

Preferences & Parameters

See Preferences of Assets > Create snapshots

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47