3D Point Cloud Selection

The “Pointcloud” sidebar makes it possible to perform and manage point cloud selection.


An Orbit Point Cloud file(*.opc) can be used as a source file for point cloud selection. A point cloud selection will be saved as Orbit Point Cloud Selection (*.ops). A Point Cloud Selection can be exported to any supported point cloud format or deleted. Deleted points are temporarily stored in the Orbit Point Cloud Deleting file (*.opd) next to the source opc file.

The Point Cloud Selection tools require an Orbit Point Cloud file of the 3rd generation, created from Orbit version 11.0. Functionalities on this sidebar will be enabled if the Primary Point Cloud Dataset meets requirements. More information on the Primary Point cloud Dataset, see Dataset Operations and Indicators in DataSet List.

Regarding the use of Point Cloud datasets: 1) make sure the dataset crs is set and 2) to achieve the best performance it is advised the same CRS is used as Map 3D coordinate system, see Coordinate Systems in Orbit > Map CRS.

Main Toolbar > Tools > Pointcloud


New, open, save, or export a point cloud selection.


Clear current point cloud selection, and start new selection. This doesn't delete the point cloud.


Via the file drop-down menu, a saved Orbit Point Cloud Selection (*.ops) can be loaded to be applied to the active point cloud dataset.
There are 4 different operators to load a point cloud selection :

  • Open: replace the current selection with a saved Open Point Cloud Selection file
  • Open (add): add a saved Open Point Cloud Selection file to the current selection
  • Open (intersect): retain the intersection of the current selection and add a saved Open Point Cloud Selection file
  • Open (remove): remove a part of the selection that corresponds to the saved Open Point Cloud Selection file

Save, Save As

Save and overwrite the currently opened point cloud selection or save as a new Orbit Point Cloud Selection.


Update Map 3D Viewpoint to top view the point cloud selection.


A point cloud selection can be exported to any writable supported lidar format.
The point cloud export will be executed immediately and may take some time to process. The exported point cloud file is not added automatically to Orbit workspace to avoid loading time when exporting to the slow reading las or text file formats.



A selection can be limited in depth, the selectable distance from the current 3d viewpoint. The “Depth” slider has a logarithmic scale from 1 meter to infinite.

Merge mode

There are 4 operators to apply and combine the new selection with an already existing point cloud selection. These are similar to the above-described methods for opening an Orbit Point Cloud Selection.

Clear All

Press “Clear All” to clear the selected point cloud.

Clear Ground

The ground function removes the lowest group of points from the current selection. This function works perfectly to isolate and delete point cloud noise caused by moving objects.


A single click, no undo, to delete the selected points from the point cloud. The points are not removed from the resource Orbit Point Cloud file, but stored in a separate Orbit Point Cloud Deleting file. The points will be removed permanently when reprocessing the point cloud file using the Optimize Data or by creating a new run using Consolidation.

Generate Selection form Classification

Generate a point cloud selection file per class of a classified point cloud.
This can be useful to update the point cloud selection files to consolidate into an updated classified point cloud.

View Settings

Some simple but very powerful point cloud legend settings and visibility options.
All changes are applied on the fly so try and error to adjust the presentation to your preference.

How To Select

  1. Enable a Primary Point Cloud Dataset in the Dataset List.
  2. Navigate Map 3D viewpoint, see Map View
  3. Choose a point cloud selection method from the Point Cloud Selection Sidebar, see Select or Brush.
  4. Define the pixel area to select.
    Click and release to define the first pixel coordinate, proceed next pixel coordinates, and double-click to complete.
    If the number of pixel coordinates is known the selection will auto-end when getting the expected number of pixel coordinates.
    Do not navigate the Map 3D Viewpoint while defining the screen pixel area to select.
Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47