Attribute Formulas

Formulas available via User Interface

Functions by default available via the Orbit user interface, see Attribute Rules.
All these functions use only one argument.

Standard Object Functions

Formula Datatype Spatial type Description
CreationDate String All Indicates the exact date the object was created.
CreationDateTime String All Indicates the exact date and time the spatial object was created.
CreationUser String All
ModifyDate String All Indicates the exact date the object was modified.
ModifyDateTime String All Indicates the exact date and time the spatial object was modified.
ModifyUser String All
ObjectId Integer All
UniqueId Integer All

Spatial Object Functions

Formula Datatype Spatial type Description
CenterM Integer Point Returns the user Defined Measurement from the point object (will be 0 if the coordinate system is 2D or 3D or if there is no measurement).
Line, Area Shows the user Defined measurement from the center of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
CenterX Float Point Shows the X coordinate from the point object (value refers to the used CRS).
Line, Area Shows the X coordinate from the center of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
CenterY Float Point Shows the Y coordinate from the point object (value refers to the used CRS).
Line, Area Shows the Y coordinate from the center of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
CenterZ Float Point Shows the Z coordinate from the point object (will be 0 if coordinate system is 2D or 2D M or if there is no heigh reference.).
Line, Area Shows the Z coordinate from the center of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
CoordinateCount Integer All Shows the number of points that an object contains.
FirstM Float Point Shows the user Defined Measurement from the point object (will be 0 if the coordinate system is 2D or 3D or if there is no measurement).
Line, Area Shows the user-defined measurement from the first point/vertex of the line or area object. first indicates the first point that is placed when the object is drawn.
FirstX Float Point
Line, Area Shows the X coordinate from the first point/vertex of the line or area object. first indicates the first point that is placed when the object is drawn.
FirstY Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Y coordinate from the first point/vertex of the line or area object. first indicates the first point that is placed when the object is drawn.
FirstZ Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Z coordinate from the first point/vertex of the line or area object. first indicates the first point that is placed when the object is drawn.*
IsClosed String, Boolean all Returns true for a line object if the beginning point and the endpoint are the same. Area and point objects are always closed, thus true.
IsWellFormed String, Boolean All Returns true if the geometry of the spatial object is well-formed according to the rules of the OGC.
LastM Float Point
Line, Area Shows the user-defined measurement from the last point/vertex of the line or area object. Last indicates the last point that is placed when the object is drawn.*
LastX Float Point
Line, Area Shows the X coordinate from the last point/vertex of the line or area object. Last indicates the last point that is placed when the object is drawn.
LastY Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Y coordinate from the last point/vertex of the line or area object. Last indicates the last point that is placed when the object is drawn.
LastZ Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Z coordinate from the last point/vertex of the line or area object. Last indicates the last point that is placed when the object is drawn.**
MaxM Float Point
Line, Area Shows the user-defined measurement from the right upper corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
MaxX Float Point
Line, Area Shows the X coordinate from the right upper corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
MaxY Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Y coordinate from the right upper corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
MaxZ Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Z coordinate from the right upper corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.*
MinM Float Point
Line, Area Shows the user-defined measurement from the left bottom corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
MinX Float Point
Line, Area Shows the X coordinate from the left bottom corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
MinY Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Y coordinate from the left bottom corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
MinZ Float Point
Line, Area Shows the Z coordinate from the left bottom corner of the rectangle that surrounds the line or area object.
ObjectArea Float Line, Area Calculates the area in a square meter. Line objects will return 0.0 if they are not closed (cfr. IsClosed).
ObjectLength Float Line, Area Calculates the length in meter.
PartCount Integer Enumerates the number of parts from which the object is built.
PointCount Integer Enumerates the number of points from which the object is built.
SizeX Float
SizeY Float
SizeZ Float
SpatialImage.SampleValue Float

Mobile Mapping Functions

Mobile Mapping functions are only available for the Orbit MM desktop portfolio
These functions are calculated and updated when editing the object via a mobile mapping view.
Mobile Mapping functions calculating a distance, length, or area are using the on the fly calculated projected coordinate system to achieve the exact metric result.

Formula Datatype Spatial type Description
Measure Angle
Measure Area XY Float Area 2D area, or area of projected 3D area with Z = 0.
Measure Area XYZ Float Area Area projected on the best fit 3D plane through all measured vertices. This technique expects all vertices to be measured in approximately a single 3D plane.
Measure Attachments
Measure Center X-Position Float
Measure Center Y-Position Float
Measure Center Z-Max
Measure Center Z-Min
Measure Center Z-Position Float
Measure Center Z-Range
Measure Clearance Float Line Catenary curve: Minimum distance from cable to ground.
Measure Distance 2D Float Line 2D length of a straight line between start and endpoint, or length of the projected 3D distance with Z = 0.
Measure Distance 3D Float Line 3D length of a straight line between start and endpoint.
Measure Distance Error XY Float Line Triangulation error for Measure Distance 2D.
Measure Distance Error XYZ Float Line Triangulation error for Measure Distance 3D.
Measure Distance Error Z Float Line Triangulation Z error for Measure Distance 3D.
Measure Distance Reference 3D Float REMOVED?
Measure Distance X Float Line Absolute difference in X between the start and endpoint of a straight line.
Measure Distance Y Float Line Absolute difference in Y between the start and endpoint of a straight line.
Measure Distance Z Float Line Absolute difference in Z between the start and endpoint of a straight line.
Measure Distance over Curve Float Line 3D length over the catenary curve.
Measure Feature Id
Measure Field of View
Measure LRef Distance XY
Measure LRef Distance XYZ
Measure LRef Distance Z
Measure LRef Length
Measure LRef Timestamp
Measure Length XY Float Line, Area Summed 2D length of each line segment as distance XY.
Measure Length XYZ Float Line, Area Summed 3D length of each line segment as distance XYZ.
Measure Length Z Float
Measure Length2 XY Float
Measure Length2 XYZ Float
Measure Length2 Z Float
Measure Mapping Resource Name
Measure PhotoId String
Measure Point1 Distance to Ground Float Point Absolute difference in Z between Point1 and the Ground.
Measure Point1 Error XY Float Point Triangulation error XY for Measure Point1.
Measure Point1 Error XYZ Float Point Triangulation error XYZ for Measure Point1.
Measure Point1 Error Z Float Point Triangulation error Z for Measure Point1.
Measure Point1 X-Position Float Point The x coordinate of Point1.
Measure Point1 Y-Position Float Point The y coordinate of Point1.
Measure Point1 Z-Position Float Point The z coordinate of Point1.
Measure Point2 Distance to Ground Float Point Absolute difference in Z between Point2 and the Ground.
Measure Point2 Error XY Float Point Triangulation error XY for Measure Point2.
Measure Point2 Error XYZ Float Point Triangulation error XYZ for Measure Point2.
Measure Point2 Error Z Float Point Triangulation error Z for Measure Point2.
Measure Point2 X-Position Float Point The x coordinate of Point2.
Measure Point2 Y-Position Float Point The y coordinate of Point2.
Measure Point2 Z-Position Float Point The z coordinate of Point2.
Measure Point20 Distance to Ground Float Point Absolute difference in Z between Point20 and the Ground.
Measure Point20 Error XY Float Point Triangulation error XY for Measure Point20.
Measure Point20 Error XYZ Float Point Triangulation error XYZ for Measure Point20.
Measure Point20 Error Z Float Point Triangulation error Z for Measure Point20.
Measure Point20 X-Position Float Point The x coordinate of Point20.
Measure Point20 Y-Position Float Point The y coordinate of Point20.
Measure Point20 Z-Position Float Point The z coordinate of Point20.
Measure Radius Circle Float
Measure Slant Float
Measure Slope Float Distance Angle (decimal degrees) between 1) measured or derived distance and 2) the z-axis / vertical direction.
Measure Span Float Line Catenary curve: Closest distance between 2 connection points.
Measure View Tilt
Measure View Heading
Measure Width Rail Float

Feature Detection Functions

Formula Datatype Spatial Type Description
Inclination Float Pole, Antenna, Pole Attachment The inclination of the feature, in degrees. Inclination is calculated from vertical direction.
Parent SOID Integer Crosswalk, Pole Attachment, Rail, Road Mark The parent ID.
Parts Count Integer Crosswalk, Pipeline The number of parts that belong to the feature.
Points Count Integer Traffic sign, Box, Crosswalk The number of cloud points that are part of the feature.
Position String Pipeline, Rail, Road Mark The position of the feature.
Type String Pole Attachment, Road Mark The type of feature.
Width Float Traffic sign, Pole Attachment The width of the feature.
Z Maximum Float Pole, Box, Pole Attachment The Z maximum of the feature.
Z Minimum Float Pole, Box, Pole Attachment The Z minimum of the feature.
Z Range Float Pole, Tree, Traffic Sign, Box, Pole Attachment The Z range of the feature.
Feature Detected Integer Pole, Tree, Traffic Sign, Antenna, Crosswalk, Pole Attachment, Road Mark 1 if the feature is detected, or 0 if the feature is not detected.
Issue String Pole, Tree, Traffic Sign The issue which prevents the feature to be detected.
Issue Description String Pole, Tree, Traffic Sign The description of the issue.
Resolution Advice String Pole, Tree, Traffic Sign A resolution advise to fix the issue, normally points to a parameter to change.
Angle North Float Antenna The angle to the north, in degrees. This will define direction of the antenna.
Length Float Antenna The length of the feature.
Area Float Crosswalk The area of the stripe of the crosswalk.
Density Float Crosswalk The number of points per squared meter.
Density Average Float Crosswalk The average density of all parts.
Intensity Float Crosswalk The average intensity of cloud points that belong to the part.
Intensity Average Float Crosswalk The average intensity of all parts.
Part Length Float Crosswalk The length of a part of the feature.
Part Width Float Crosswalk The width of a part of the feature.
Points Count Integer Crosswalk The number of points per part.
Points Count Average Float Crosswalk The average number of points of all parts.
Diameter Float Pipeline The diameter of the feature.
High Intensity Points Count Integer Traffic Sign The number of points with intensity above the threshold value.
High Intensity Points Percentage Float Traffic Sign The percentage of points of the feature that have intensity above threshold value.
Intensity Maximum Integer Traffic Sign The maximum intensity of the feature.
Intensity Threshold Integer Traffic Sign The intensity threshold used to detect this feature.
Normal X Float Traffic Sign The X coordinate of the normal to the plane defined by the feature.
Normal Y Float Traffic Sign The Y coordinate of the normal to the plane defined by the feature.
Normal Z Float Traffic Sign The Z coordinate of the normal to the plane defined by the feature.
Shape String Traffic sign The shape detected. Unknown if shape is not detected.
Inclination Delta Float Tree The difference between inclination of the tree and the trunk, in degrees.
Tree Crown Diameter Float Tree The tree crown diameter, according to calculation method selected.
Inclination Tree Float Tree The inclination of the tree, in degrees. Inclination is calculated from vertical direction.
Tree Trunk Diameter Float Tree Trunk diameter at representation.
Tree Trunk Height Float Tree The height of the trunk.
Inclination Trunk Float Tree The inclination of the trunk, in degrees. Inclination is calculated from vertical direction.
Source File String Box The file name of the source, if box was created from a source file.
Source Path String Box The path to the source file, if box was created from a source file.
Width X Float Box The width of the box along the X axis.
Width Y Float Box The width of the box along the Y axis.
Width Average Float Pole The average width of the pole.
Width Max Float Pole The maximum width of the pole.
Width Median Float Pole The median width of the pole.
Width Min Float Pole The minimum width of the pole.
Count Integer Pole Attachment The number of children of this feature.
Types String Pole Attachment The types of the children.
Clearances String Pole Attachment The distance from the ground to each children.
Child Type String Pole Attachment The type of the child.
Clearance Z Float Pole Attachment The distance from ground the feature.
X Float Rail point The X coordinate of the point.
Y Float Rail point The X coordinate of the point.
Z Float Rail point The X coordinate of the point.
Orbit Orientation Roll Float Rail point The roll value at the point. The roll is the inclination of the tracks to left (positive) or right (negative).
Clearance Z Float Clearance Checker The distance between the ground and the feature.
Clearance Z Minimum Float Clearance Checker The minimum Z value of the feature.
Ground Z Float Clearance Checker The Z value of the ground.
Clearance Points Count Integer Clearance Checker The number of points of the feature.
Ground Points Count Integer Clearance Checker The number of points on the ground bellow the feature.
Area Pixels Count Integer Clearance Checker The number of pixels in the area of the feature.
Pixel Size Float Clearance Checker The size of the squared pixels.

Formulas available via ORD Text-File Configuration

Functions available via ord file editing, see Orbit Resource Descriptor.
These functions may use one or multiple arguments. Attribute argument references can only be used within the same Attribute Set.

The syntax is straightforward but must be exact :

  • Function : Function()
  • Arguments in function comma separated : Function(Argument1,Argument2,…)
  • Attribute reference by using [ ] : Function([Atribute1],[Atribute2],Argument3,...)
  • Decimal character is dot : Function([Atribute1],[Atribute2],3.1457,Argument4,...)

Generic Standard Functions

Function Arguments Datatype Description
Abs Double
ACos Double
Add Double
And Boolean
ASin Double
ATan Double
ATan2 Double
Between Boolean
Char (A) String Add a character with a specific code.
e.g. : Char(9) results in a 'TAB' character
e.g. : Char(13,10) results in a DOS newline sequence
Concat String Combines one or more strings, attributevalues or functions.
e.g. Concat([KERKHOFCODE],”_”,[ZONECODE],”_”,[RIJCODE],”_”,[GRAF])
Cos Double
Decimals String
DegToRad Double
Divide Double
Double Double
Equal Boolean
Exp Double
FirstUpperCase String
Hypot2D (A,B,C) Double
Hypot3D (A,B,C) Double
If (A,B,C) Any If(<logical test>,<value if true>,<value if false>)
e.g. : If(LargerOrEqual([Height],10),“High”,“Low”)
In Boolean
IndexOf (A,B) Integer Displays the numeric position of a substring.
e.g. : IndexOf(“The last emperor”,”emperor”) results in 9
Int Double
IsNull Boolean
Larger Boolean
LastIndexOf (A,B) Integer Displays the last numeric position of a substring.
e.g. : LastIndexOf(“C:\temp\\file.txt”,”.”) results in 19
Left String Takes a part of a string, starting from the left position. The second parameter determines the number of characters.
Length ([Attribute]) Calculates string length of the attribute.
Log Double
LowerCase String
LPad (A,B,C) String Left pad a value with a pad character to the requested size.
e.g. : LPad(“123”,6,”0”) results in 000123
e.g. : LPad(“de”,3,”+”) results in +de
LTrim String
Max String
Min String
Multiply Double e.g. multiply([Attribute],3.28083) (from meters to feet)
NewLine String
Not Boolean
NowDate String
NowDateTime String
NowTime String
Or Boolean
PatternMatch (A,B) String Determines whether a particular pattern occurs.
e.g. : PatternMatch(“255.17.23”,”*.17.*”) results in 'true'
Pi Double
Power Double
Printf String
RadToDeg Double
Random Double
Replace (A,B,C) String Replaces a substring by another.
e.g. : Replace(“the last emperor”,”last”,”first) results in “the first emperor”
Right String
RPad (value,size,pad) String Right pad a value with a pad character to the requested size.
e.g. : RPad(“123”,6,”0”) results in 123000
e.g. : RPad(“de”,3,”+”) results in de+
RTrim String
Sin Double
Smaller Boolean
SmallerOrEqual Boolean
Split (A,B) String Split a string in different parts.
e.g. : Split(“127.B.3”,”.”) results in “127” “B” and “3”
Sqrt Double
SubString () String Returns a substring from string A, starting at index position B with length C.
SubString2 (A,B,C) String Returns a substring from string A, starting at index position B til, index position C.
Subtract Double
Tan Double
Trim String
UpperCase String

Spatial Functions

Formula Datatype Spatial type Description
Angle Float All
Center Float All
Distance2D Float All
Distance3D Float All
DistanceZ Float All
First Float All
GetM Float All
GetX Float All
GetY Float All
GetZ Float All
Last Float All
Max Float All
Min Float All
NewPoint2D Float All
NewPoint2DM Float All
NewPoint3D Float All
NewPoint3DM Float All
PerpendicularLine Float All
Point Float All
ProjectPointOnLine Float All

Mobile Mapping functions

Mobile Mapping functions are only available for the Orbit MM desktop portfolio

Function Datatype Arguments Description
PanFromAxisRotation Float A,B,C,D Direction Vector: A,B,C and D rotation angle (decimal degrees)
e.g. ([rotation_axis_1],[rotation_axis_2],[rotation_axis_3],[rotation_angle])
PanFromDirectionAndUp() Float A,B,C,D,E,F Direction Vector: by A,B,C and Up Vector: D,E,F
e.g. ([Direction_Easting],[Direction_Northing],[Direction_Elevation],[Up_Easting],[Up_Northing],[Up_Elevation])
PanFromOmegaPhiKappa Float A,B,C Direction Vector: A,B,C
e.g. ([Omega],[Phi],[Kappa])
PanFromRotationYXZ Float A,B,C Direction Vector: A,B,C
e.g. ([rotation_y],[rotation_x],[rotation_z])

Example use formulas

AttributeConstraint= ModelId=1


AddFunctionAttribute= ModelId=1

Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47