3DM Publisher Console
To open the console, browse to http://<service ID>:<port>/console/
- Server ID: Can be the server IP, DNS or on the server itself localhost.
- Port: Default port will be 1111. To allocate a different port, see Orbit 3DM Publisher Service.
- The Admin user can log in to the console with the default password 'admin'.
Web Ready
Added resources need to be Web-Ready to be supported by the 3DM Viewer. Use the desktop “Resources Catalog” to prepare and verify web-readiness, see Catalog.
Supported formats, see Supported Resources.
Network Storage
Special attention is required when adding resources stored on network-attached storage.
Resources are loaded by Publisher Service, hence need to be accessible for the Operating System Account/User running the Orbit 3DM Publisher Service, see Orbit 3DM Publisher Service > File Access and Permission.
Cloud Storage
Resource Thumbnail
A Resource thumbnail image can be set via a hyperlink URL.
- The Publisher's wwwroot can be used to host the image,
e.g. https://<publisher>/var/thumbnail/<image>. - Advised resolution: 100×70
- Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, png
Add Single Resource
The allowed Orbit formats can be found on .
When using network storage, the use of UNC file path is required.
When using mapped network drives, use the “net use” command to get to know the UNC file path prefix of the mapped network drive.
In Command Prompt, enter the following command to view the remote path of a network drive:
Add Multiple Resources
Click “Import multiple” on the create resource page in the top right corner.
Import or update multiple resources simultaneously via a .txt or .csv file. Every line represents one resource with comma-separated parameters. Add parameters in the same order as in the example below.
File location,Resource Name,Copyright,Copyright Url,Building,Floornumber,Floorname,Date Start,Date Stop,Timezone,Description,[tag1,tag2] E:/Data/BEGhentbyTopcon/orbit_mm_run.omr,Gent,Orbit GT,www.orbitgt.com,5,1,First,2019-01-02,2019-02-01,Europe/Brussels,Gasmeterlaan,["Belgium", "Ghent"] E:/Data/BEGhentbyTopcon/orbit_mm_run.omr,Gent,,,,,,2019-01-02,2019-02-01,,,
The given parameters must conform with the parameter selection in the “Select Columns” dropdown.
Resource Groups
For documentation on Resource Groups, see Resource Group.
- 3D Models can be added to use as an annotation in the 3D Mapping Viewer.
- Annotations can be added to a publication.
- For performance reasons keep the size of a model under 1 MB.
- An online thumbnail can be added by copying the logo URL to Thumbnail Hyperlink. An offline thumbnail can be added by copying the thumbnail file to this folder: …\Orbit 3DM Publisher\server\program\wwwroot\thumbnail. Copy the URL structure
http://<service ID>:<port>/thumbnail/<filename>
to the Thumbnail Hyperlink. For examplehttp://localhost:1111/thumbnail/thumbnail.png
- Mobile Mapping, UAS Mapping and Oblique data can be combined into one publication.
- A Publication is a well-defined combination of Reference Data (Basemaps and Vector Overlays) and Mobile Mapping, UAS Mapping, and Oblique resources.
- A Publication is a snapshot of the current View. It holds the Resources, your Views, your Screen setup, your Point of View, etc. You can control who has access, tweak appearance, and capabilities. It helps to go back to a specific viewpoint or relevant situation
- A Publication can be public or shared with specific users that are created in the console. Sharing a Publication supports both a) quick, ad hoc, informal sharing, and b) well-prepared, custom, formal sharing.
- Limit to Ip: Restrict access to the Publication for specified Public IP only. Comma-separated list of Ip-address
- Publications can be shared with users that are created in the console. Each user has a login and a password.
Import/Update Multiple Users
Import or update multiple users simultaneously via a .txt or .csv file. Every line represents one user with comma-separated parameters. Add parameters in the same order as in the example below.
Username,Password,Force Password,First Name,Last Name,Email,Description user1,******,1,Test,User,testuser@user1.com,This is the description user2,******,0,Second,User,,This is the second description
The given parameters must match the parameter selection in the “Select Columns” dropdown.
User Group
- Create a user group to share a publication with multiple users by one click.
- A publication can be published as an OGC compliant WFS or WMS service. Publishing a publication as a WFS or WMS service allows for easy interoperability between the publication and 3rd party software. More information about the OGC WFS and WMS specifications:
- Customization of the Orbit WFS and WMS services can be achieved via the configuration.