This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Orbit 3DM Plugin for QGIS

This page describes the Orbit 3D Mapping Plugin for QGIS.

Download and Install

Download and unzip

Download and unzip.
The latest version of the plugin can be found here: Orbit 3DM Plugins

Install Orbit Plugin

  1. Start QGIS
  2. Open QGIS Plugin Manager.
  3. Choose “Install from ZIP”, select the downloaded ZIP file and click the “Install Plugin” button.
  4. Accept the “Security Warning: Continue?” pop-up confirmation.
  5. The “Plugin installed successfully” pop-up confirmation appears, the Orbit toolbar is added.

Install Phyton WebSockets

The Orbit Plugin requires the installation of Python's WebSockets package.

On first use of the Orbit Plugin, accept the “The 3D Mapping plugin needs to install some additional software” pop-up confirmation.
If QGIS is installed on “C:\Program Files\” additional steps might be required to install the Phyton's WebSockets package.
Complete the actions as suggested in the pop-up notification and run the “Install_plugins” batch file as administrator.

Save Measurements

To save the measurement results from the 3DM Viewer into the host layer, the following internal names of the measurement properties should be used as attributes of the host layer:

  • PROPERTY_X = “x”
  • PROPERTY_Y = “y”
  • PROPERTY_Z = “z”
  • PROPERTY_DISTANCE_Z = “distanceZ”
  • PROPERTY_LENGTH_Z = “lengthZ”
  • PROPERTY_HEIGHT = “height”
  • PROPERTY_SLOPE = “slope”
  • PROPERTY_SLANT = “slant”
  • PROPERTY_CLEARANCE = “clearance”
  • PROPERTY_SPAN = “span”
  • PROPERTY_WIDTH = “width”
  • PROPERTY_RADIUS = “radius”
  • PROPERTY_VOLUME = “volume”
  • PROPERTY_BASELINE1 = “baseline1”
  • PROPERTY_BASELINE2 = “baseline2”
  • PROPERTY_ERROR_Z = “errorZ”
  • PROPERTY_HEADING = “heading”
  • PROPERTY_ANGLE = “angle”
Last modified:: 2024/09/10 06:59