This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Capabilities of 3DM Publisher and 3DM Cloud

Work in progress

Import, Optimize & Upload

Resources need to be well-prepared prior to upload. Once uploaded, resources are directly available for 3DM Viewer. The challenging tasks to import, optimize and upload huge amounts of complex Reality Data are managed by Orbit 3DM Import and Upload Tool or Orbit 3DM Manage and Extract.

The Orbit 3DM Cloud Upload Tool is a free-of-charge desktop product and provides tools to import, catalog, optimize, and upload resources.

The Orbit 3DM Manage and Extract product provides additional tools to verify, adjust, re-organize, and merge resources. The product includes tools to automate the data preparation, processing, and upload. E.g. process overnight.

Orbit 3DM Publisher

What's in

The Orbit 3DM Publisher hosts and shares any type, any size of Reality Data, Mapping Resources, and GIS Resources from an on-premises server via HTTP/WS into the Orbit 3DM Viewer WebClients.
The Orbit 3DM Publisher includes 3 product components:

  • Publisher Server: Service hosting Publications and managing Resources, Users, and Permissions.
  • Import and Upload Tool: Desktop application used to import, prepare and optimize all resources.
  • Viewer, Viewer SDK, and Plugins: WebClients, solo or integrated.

Manage, Organize & Share


One of 3D Mapping Publisher’s paramount features is the ease to share data. Easy sharing with co-workers, either within your team or in another department, even on the other side of the globe. But also sharing with third-party users such as customers, contractors, consultants, and others. Define access to data by setting the right permissions.

Every Publication can be shared with users created in the console or it can be made publicly available.

View, Consume & Integrate

Orbit 3DM Cloud

Cloud Storage

An organization has a pre-paid Storage Budget. It is possible to up or downscale by an entity of 1TB.
The Storage Budget indicates the total volume of data that can be stored on 3DM Cloud, distributed over any Data Center.

Manage, Organize, Catalog & Share

A Resource or other shareable item is owned by a Named User as part of one single Organisation.

The Named User that uploads a Resource becomes the Resource Owner. The Resource access permission is set to “Private”, meaning only the Resource Owner and the higher-ranked user roles such as the company’s Resource Manager, Administrators, and Account Owner, have access to the Resource.

Resources can be shared with individual Users and Teams within the organization or with another organization. Publications can additionally be shared with Guest Users.


One of 3D Mapping Cloud’s paramount features is the ease to share data. Easy sharing with co-workers, either within your team or in another department, even on the other side of the globe. But also sharing with third-party users such as customers, contractors, consultants, and others. Define access to data by setting the right permissions.

Every Resource or Publication can be shared with anyone else, on the level of Named User, Team, and entire Organization. It can be within your organization, or with any other organization known in 3D Mapping Cloud.
It’s also possible to share Publications or Bookmarks with named or anonymous Guest Users.

A Resource or Publication is owned by a Named user port of one Organization.

Projects are made to organize easy access for co-workers. It is not possible to share a project outside your account. To share with people outside of your organization, upgrade the Project to a formal Publication.


A Publication is a snapshot of the current View. It holds the Resources, your Views, your Screen setup, your Point of View, etc. You can control who has access, tweak appearance, and capabilities.

Publications can be private, shared within the organization or shared externally. It helps to go back to a specific viewpoint or relevant situation. Sharing a Publication supports both a) quick, ad hoc, informal sharing and b) well-prepared, custom, formal sharing.

  • Share a preset of data to a third party
  • embed a publication in a website, using HTML iFrame

View, Consume & Integrate



3D Mapping Cloud is a bundle of managed services on top of Microsoft Azure’s and Amazon AWS’s.
Last 5 years, the platform uptime was +99%

Last modified:: 2024/07/24 20:40