Preferences of Assets
Main Toolbar > Preferences > Assets
Automated snapshots
Resolution unit
The unit (meters or pixels) used to express the width and height of the snapshot.
Width and Height
If unit is pixels, the point-object is projected in the image, snapshot is derived from that location with fixed width and height.
If unit is meters, a 3D box is created around the point-object. The vertices of the 3D box are then projected in the image, and the 2D-bounds of the points in the image will define the snapshot created.
Snapshots number
The number of snapshots created for every object. If the number cannot be reached because of parameter limitations, fewer snapshots will be created and the parameters need to be revised. If there are more snapshots possible than the number defined (N), snapshots are ordered and only the first N are saved. When resolution unit is meters, snapshots are ordered by total number of pixels; when resolution is pixels, snapshots are ordered by camera distance to object.
Distance to position min
The minimum distance between the theme object and the photo position used to create a snapshot. Increase this value to get the full object on the snapshot.
Distance to position max
The maximum distance between the theme object and the photo position used to create a snapshot. Lower this value to avoid snapshots where the object is too small or the quality is not high enough.
Use driving direction
Define in which direction snapshots are created on the center, left and/or right side of the path in driving direction.
Angle center max
The angle from driving direction that defines the center of the road.
Angle left/right max
The angle from driving direction that defines left and right side. Left and right areas start after the center area. If angle center is 20 and angle left/right is 60 degrees, the left/right sides go from 20 to 60 degrees from driving direction.
Angle up max
The maximum vertical angle up from driving direction. Lower this angle to get snapshots where the objects are more centered.
Angle down max
The maximum vertical angle down from driving direction. Lower this angle to get snapshots where the objects are more centered.
Focus position
The position of the object on the snapshot: Top, Middle or Bottom.
The margin added to the snapshot expressed in the unit defined above.
Manual snapshots
Preferences for Resolution and Quality of the snapshots taken during Asset Inventory Procedure.