This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Legend Display

A map is a reduced representation of the real world, using graphics, colors, symbols and so on.
To ensure the reader understands this representation correctly a map legend display is indispensable. It like a dictionary for map graphics.

Show/Hide Legend Display

Via the dataset list dataset context menu the legend display visibility of the active dataset can be set.

  • Show Legend Display

Show/Hide all Legend Displays

Using the dataset list option menu the legend display visibility of all datasets can be set

  • Show Legend Displays
  • Hide Legend Displays

Autofold legend display

Via the dataset list option menu the legend display of the active dataset can be made visible automatically at all time :

  • Autofold Legend Display

When disabling the autofold option the legend display of the active dataset will remain visible. To hide the legend display use the dataset context menu option, see above.

Create an image from the legend display

It is possible to export the legend display as image, using the "Make Legend Display Image" tool.

Last modified:: 2024/02/07 16:28