This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Capabilities of iTwin Capture Manage And Extract

Work in progress

Key Features

All access from Main Toolbar

More with less complexity.

The redesign of the Main Toolbar, Catalog, and Procedures to increase usability and user experience.

  • Simplified UI with a clear split for Manage and Extract capabilities.
  • Access to all capabilities, procedures, and extensions, …
  • Create and Verify Assets as an example of efficiency.

AI Workflows

Leverage ContextInsights Engine 20.1

  • Enjoy new 3D-Segmentation job-type (pointcloud classification)
  • New detectors to enable automatic asset inventory workflows
    • Traffic Signs (2D objects)
    • Light poles (3D Segmentation)
    • Trees (3D Segmentation)
    • Ghosts cleaning (3D Segmentation)

Enable AI Workflows:

  • Verify AI outputs and create input to train AI Detectors
  • Create Annotations from Objects.
  • Create Objects from Annotations

Create and Verify Assets

Completing the loop to consume the outcome of AI detectors and contribute required annotations to create new detectors

  • Context Insights
    • 3D detectors
      • Ghost Cleaning
      • Rail Extraction
  • 3rd Party AI import for Annotation

Catalog First

Merger Manage Themes Procedures, Library, and Catalog

All GIS and Reality Data is managed from the “Resources Catalog”

The same concepts, access, and management capabilities are applied on the 3 Resource Types

  • Generic Resources = Any support, individual resources
  • Asset Resources = Asset Inventory Theme 2.0
  • Mapping Resource = Previously known as Mapping Run, Mobile Mapping, Oblique Mapping, Aerial Mapping Run.

Asset Inventory 2.0

Asset Inventory into local or centralized Files or Database

Revamps powerful but old-school concepts of Feature Extraction Client/Server into a modern, more powerful, multi-standalone with centralized-database setup.
The advanced and improving desktop tools become available for your traditional feature production workflows, and the extracted features can still be managed in a single, centralized database!

  • All feature extractions tools available (Client/Server had only a subset)
  • lower network requirements allowing remote offices
  • easier to install & maintain.
  • File-based or Database resources
  • Point Cloud attachments
  • Create snapshots from Objects

Asset Inspector

New Asset Inspector to access and review for Asset Resource Snapshots and Point Cloud attachments contributing your Asset Inventory and AI annotation.

Create & Verify Objecs

The new Create and Verify Asset Object Procedures increase the efficiency of your feature production teams Easier & faster, to get annotated feature production and verify generated objects with fewer clicks


Efficiently import, manage, and archive your massive amounts of imagery, point cloud, and 3D mapping data, optimized for web streaming and fast extraction, in an easy-accessible catalog. Optimize your team's reality modeling workflow and save time with advanced analysis tools to complete measurements, extract features, and perform advanced analysis using easy-to-understand, guided workflows.

  • Import captured data from any mapping system: import processed outputs from any reality data capturing system (handheld scanners, drone cameras, backpack LiDAR, oblique airborne, mobile mapping cars), any brand and any capturing type.
  • Manage, catalog and archive: organize your reality data in a single view of truth. Easily view, merge, clean, correct and archive all imported data in a user-friendly and overviewing data catalog.
  • Combine and merge any data type: fuse all captured reality data in real-time such as LiDAR and photogrammetric processed point clouds, reality meshes, 360 degrees or oblique/nadir focused imagery.
  • Optimize and clean-up: efficiently clean LiDAR point cloud data, remove unwanted elements and noise, blur/erase and optimize image quality while also analyzing and reporting positional accuracy.
  • Overlay any data in real-time: fuse in real-time various reality data resources of any size from any system into a single view of truth
  • View and navigate in full 3D: view and navigate through your massive amounts of LiDAR, meshes, imagery, and other reality data. Automatically play through and overlay with any 2D and 3D GIS/CAD resource.
  • Automatically recognize points, surfaces, ridges, and corners: detect underlying surfaces, snap to the nearest point, and interpolate between points using smart hovering capabilities.
  • Measure your mapping data and imagery: accurately measure 2D and 3D coordinates from all your mapping resources. Apply assisted and automated measurements of points, distances, polylines, catenaries, boxes, and areas to extract and segment the assets of your choice.
  • Automatically extract features: efficiently extract road and rail elements such as poles, traffic signs, trees, curbs, guard rails, crosswalks, walls, fences, or any other type element with semi- and fully automated detection capabilities.
  • Automate feature extraction workflow: improve your workflows and generate faster feature extractions with assisted feature and AI/ML-based extraction management capabilities to complete a full inventory of your project environment.


Orbit 3DM Manage And Extract is a desktop application to Manage GIS and Mapping Resources and Extract GIS Objects manually, operator-assisted, and full-automated.

  • Generic Tools
  • Manage Extensions
  • Extract Extensions

About MANAGE Data

GIS & Reality Data Resource

Any type of GIS and Reality Data hand-in-hand.
Supported resources are categorized into

  • Asset Resources
    Special GIS Vector Resource, enable smart feature production and advanced reality data enrichments
  • Generic Resources
    Individual, single-datatype GIS or Reality Data resource.
  • Mapping Resources
    Intelligent, multi-data type Reality Data resource, optionally including GIS resources.

Catalog First

Advanced resource management capabilities.
The backbone Catalog gives centralized and queryable access to Open, Inspect and Manage all known Asset, Generic and Mapping Resources.

From Import to Delivery

Reality data is not captured for according to the expected deliverables.
Orbit's data management workflow via Import over Adjust and Consolidate to Deliver generate the user deliverables for efficient data consumption.

About EXTRACT Features

Operators have access to manual, semi-automated, and full-automated tools and procedures, including AI and ML.


Bentley's ContextInsights Engine or import/export for 3rd Party AI detectors.

  • Image Annotation Editor
  • Image Annotation to Object

Asset Inventory for Teams

Smart feature production capabilities.
Create Asset Objects and Verify Asset Objects into Asset Resources available for individual users and collaborative teams.

Object-Specific Tooling

  • Bridge Clearance
  • Clash Detection
  • Point Cloud Change Detection
  • Pole Attachment
  • Pole Detection
  • Profiles and Cross Sections
  • Rutting Analytics
  • Slopes
  • Volume Analytics

Dataset Actions

Resources opened into the current Workspace are called “Datasets”.
It's all about Datasets.

  • Active Dataset
    One dataset
  • Primary Dataset
    Reference, One dataset per Resource Type
  • Recordable Dataset
    New Features, One editable GIS Vector Dataset
  • Selectable Dataset
    Select Objects, One or more selectable GIS Vector Datasets

Feature Extraction Overview

This page gives an overview of the available workflows to measure and extract Objects into a Vector Resource.

Asset Inventory

Using the Asset Inventory procedures administrators and operators are guided to organize and extract features in the most efficient way :

  • multiple concurrent users
  • one central database
  • attach snapshots and documents to assets
  • auto attach snapshots to assets
  • use intelligent measure attributes to complete attribute information
  • log production (date, time, operator)
  • dedicated administration procedures to import, manage and export asset inventory themes

Copy Measurement to Feature

Using the Mobile Mapping measure window any measurement can be copied to the recorded dataset using the “Copy to feature” button.

Last modified:: 2023/08/25 13:42