This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.


This page describes CloudCompare Position & Orientation export for Orbit import.
Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import original data into an Orbit Mapping Run.

CloudCompare Position/Orientation


Image files

  • Image type: Equirectangular panoramas
  • Image resolution: Ratio 2×1
  • Image principal point: Center pixel
  • File format: One JPG file for each image.
  • Filename: Exactly as “ID” value of photo position file, see below.
  • Folder structure: All files in one folder.

Image positions file

  • File format: One ascii *.txt or *.csv file
  • File structure, Rows: One record for each image
  • File structure, Columns: Semicolum separated (char59), headers, with exact order as the example below
  • Coordinates: Same CRS as Point Cloud, decimal notation, without thousands separator

Point Cloud

Point cloud files

Last modified:: 2023/05/12 16:31