This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Resource Group

A Resource Group (Parent) is a logical group of Individual Resources (Children) of the same data and content type.
E.g. multiple Point Cloud Resources or multiple Mapping Resources of type Mobile Mapping.

The grouping can have various reasons :

  • Captured with the same Systems (E.g. Mobile mapping vs Aerial mapping data)
  • Collected within the same time period (E.g. data collected in 2023)
  • Covering an area of interest (E.g. Building, City)

Advantages and Limitations


Resource group simplifies data management and consumption.
A Resource Group appears as a single Resource entry in the Viewer.

  • Single management of metadata: time, building/floor, tags, description, copyright, …
  • Single entry in the Viewer's Resource Sidebar.


The fewer Individual Resources that are loaded simultaneously, the better. We advise having no more than 10 resources loaded simultaneously.
Grouping Individual Resources into a group will not improve the performance, except if Individual Resources are candidates for a Dynamic Resource Group, see below.

Resource Groups have a single presentation and can be used only to group homogenous Individual Resources. These Children of a Resource Group must have the same data type, the same structure, the same CRS, … .

Dynamic Resource Group

A Standard Resource Group is static, all Child Resources are sequentially opened. The Resouce Group will fail to open if any of the Child Resources can't be opened.

A Dynamic Resource Group is a smart Resource Group, only relevant Child Resources are automatically and in parallel loaded. The Child Resources are dynamically loaded when their

  • Spatial bounds (bounding box) overlap with the Viewer's Focus Position
  • Collection date metadata matches the Viewer's Time filter
  • Floor metadata matches the Viewer's Floor filter

This technique can reduce the number of simultaneously loaded Individual Resources if their bounding boxes do not overlap.

Good resource management and Delivery enable the efficient loading of Individual Resources, having a large number within a Dynamic Resource Group but limiting the number of loaded Individual Resources. Successful tests of Dynamic Resource Groups contain over 9000 Individual Resources.

Dynamic Resource Group Parameters
Configurations to impact the opening and closing of Child Resources

  • Min/Maz-Z Fallback: Used in case the resource envelope is 2D only
  • Distance: Threshold distance between Viewer's Focus Position and the Child Resource Spatial bounds
  • Time: Time in seconds to keep a Child Resource open when no longer relevant.

How To Create

Standard and Dynamic Resources Gouprs are created and can be edited instantly by the Publisher Administrator or Cloud Resource Manager using the admin Console.
Resource Group management doesn't require processing time.

Last modified:: 2024/01/10 15:46