This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

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Import Data

You have data, and you would like to bring it in Orbit software.

Available in:

Mapping resources

You have a single set of mapping data, combining all resources of one collection effort, go, mission, track, or session.

  • Import a run: When starting from the raw data: a set of images, a photo position file, a point cloud, a trajectory file, a DEM, an orthoimage, a 3D model, and/or mesh that were captured in the same time and location:
  • Open, add, or process a run: Starting from data structured in an Orbit run. This run can be:
    • Earlier created in Orbit.
    • An export from ContextCapture using the 'Export to Orbit 3DM run' option.
    • An export from other software packages that have a 'to Orbit run' export option.

Reference resources

Last modified:: 2022/07/29 07:53