This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Orbit Resource Descriptor
ORD stands for Orbit Resource Descriptor. This is an extension file that can accompany any spatial storage format.
As the name says, it describes the resource and adds information to it. For example, it can add the following information:
- Joined Tables: an extra attribute table file and link it to the resource attributes by specifying the relationship.
- Scale Limits: it is possible to set a scale range (or only a max or min) where the layer is visible.
- CRS: information about the coordinate system and datum
- Naming : information about the user name, attributes containing hyperlinks, attributes containing annotations, primary fields, map tip fields.
- Rules : information about attribute rules defined by a formula or a value list
- Username: This is the name of the dataset as displayed in the Dataset List
Create and Edit
Create and edit these files using a text editor. Take care of spelling and file syntax.
Below are some ORD snippets that demonstrate how each type of information is stored.
Joined Tables
AttributeJoin= ModelId=1 SourceTableName=D:\head_state.dbf TargetSetId=2 TargetSetName=Head_State TargetSetDescription= JoinedField= AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=NAME ColumnName=STATE AttributeJoin= ModelId=1 SourceTableName=<RESOURCELOCATION>\population.txt TargetSetId=3 TargetSetName=Population TargetSetDescription= JoinedField= AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=NAME ColumnName=STATE
Scale Limits
ScaleLimits= Smallest=1000.0 Largest=50.0
DataSet CRS
DataSetCRS=4326 VerticalCRS=5710
AttributeContentType= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=ID AttributeContentType=url-prefix AttributeName=Web AttributeContentType=url-prefix=http://;url;;active-hyperlink
PrimaryAttribute= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=ID
MapTipAttribute= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=NAME
AttributeConstraint= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=Type Rule=valuelist Value=CM Label=Constitutional monarchy Value=CR Label=Constitutional republic Value=AM Label=Absolute monarchy
AttributeConstraint= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=Area Rule=expression Expression=Area()
Attribute Dependent Valuelist
AttributeConstraint= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeName=Municipality Rule=attribute-dependent-valuelist DependentAttribute=city Value= DependentAttributeValue=Antwerp Value=Antwerpen Value=Berchem Value=Borgerhout Value= DependentAttributeValue=Brussels Value=Anderlecht Value=Oudergem Value=Sint-Agatha-Berchem
Attribute Set Rules
ShouldHaveAttributeSets= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes ShouldHaveAttributeSets=true
DataSetUserName=World Countries
AttributeSetUserNames= ModelId=1 AttributeSetName=Attributes AttributeSetUserName=Attributes DataSetUserName=World Countries ModelUserNames= ModelId=1 ModelUserName=Model ModelUserDescription=
Last modified:: 2022/04/15 06:19