This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Orbit Offline License Activation

This page describes specific conditions and requirements of Dongle-Based Orbit Offline License Activation for product validation, applicable for all on-premises, licensed, Orbit 3DM Products.

For general concepts about Orbit License Activation and all information about Orbit Online License Activation, see Orbit Product License & Activation.

Restricted Use

Orbit GT applies an online activation for all products. All software must connect to the Orbit Online License Service to start and enable proper operation. In situations in which the Orbit Online License Service cannot be reached the software cannot be started or ongoing use and processes will be terminated.

Only upon specific request and with proper motivation, a Dongle-Hardware Bind License Key to operate the software can be provided.
These are the conditions upon such exceptional grant can be given :

  • Use strictly reserved to Governmental agencies in relation to Public Data Security.
  • Customer writes a letter to Orbit GT with funded motivation why a Dongle-Hardware Bind License Key is required.
    Orbit GT must reply with written confirmation if agreed. Orbit GT is free to refuse any request.

Terms and Conditions

If the use of Dongle-Hardware Bind License Key is approved, additional Terms and Conditions must be respected.
These are the conditions to which a customer must comply without exception :

  • License Key Agreement must be signed by the customer before a license can be granted.
  • License Key is valid for 1 year and for 1 version.
    A new License Key will be provided each year, upon request, if terms and conditions are respected.
    A Maintenance Contract is mandatory, an update of the software version must happen at the time of license renewal.
    As a user can update only once a year, at the time of maintenance renewal, be prepared: a renewal action can take up to 4 weeks, the license will expire.
  • License Key cannot be de-authorized.
  • Customer must allow a yearly visit by Bentley Systems or its representative to assure conditions are met.
  • If any non-compliant situations are detected, standard Bentley Licenses conditions for misuse will apply.
Last modified:: 2023/01/09 12:48