This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Point Cloud Based Extensions

This page describes the generic workflow for point cloud based extensions.

Content Manager, Feature Extraction Basic - Standard - Pro

Main Toolbar > Extensions


The extensions that use point cloud datasets have generic steps for selecting the source file and range of interest to use.
The target files and folders are always saved in a folder next to the opc file.


Select point cloud dataset

Displays the available Orbit Point Cloud files from the Dataset List. Choose the dataset to be used in the extensions. The pointcloud of a Mapping Run or a standalone opc file can be used.


A project represents an automatically created destination folder for the extension results next to the point cloud dataset.
For every execution of the extension, a new project should be created. Executing the extension in an existing project will overwrite existing data in that folder.

The project dropdown list gives the option to create, open, close, or delete a project.
The project label can be used (optionally) to distinguish different projects.

Range of Interest

Depending on the extension, different methods are available to define the range of interest to be used in the extension. Every method has a list of possible actions to draw or select an object




  • Draw
  • Add selected objects
  • Add object active dataset

Multiple Areas


  • Add selected objects
  • Add object active dataset



  • Draw
  • Add selected objects
  • Add object active dataset
  • Select trajectory segment

Depending on the extension, the following sliders are used to define the width of the area of interest:

  • Left/Right Min
  • Left/Right Max

Multiple Paths


  • Add selected objects
  • Add object active dataset

Seed Points


  • Add selected objects
  • Add object active dataset



Draw the path or area on Map 3D. Hit 'Draw' again to edit vertices of the path or area.
Avoid using Map 2D as there is no possibility to control the Z value.

Add selected objects

Select one/multiple objects (depending on the Reference) and add them to the extension.

Add object active dataset

Select the source dataset in the dataset list to make it active and add it to the extension.
If the reference requires one object and the dataset contains multiple objects, the first object will be added.

Select trajectory segment

Only available for mobile mapping resources with trajectory.
Select segment from trajectory by clicking on the Map.


Delegate to Task Manager

Allows to schedule job to be run later by delegating it to the Task Manager.

Start Now

Start the process immediately.


Simplified preview of results.

View Settings

Tools to customize the visualization of source path, area, bounding boxes, …

Last modified:: 2023/01/09 12:48