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Preferences of Roadmark Detection
This page describes only the parameters and preferences of Roadmark Detector.
Full documentation about semi-automatic detectors, see Basic 3D Measurement Functions.
General concepts of Detectors Preferences, see Preferences of Detectors.
Search Margin
The horizontal margin to search for the next segment.
Mark Width Max
The maximum width of a mark.
Mark Width Min
The minimum width of a mark.
Segment Sections Length
A segment of the road MARK(?)is detected by detecting multiple adjacent small sections.
Segm Section Ground Margin
Ground margin for segments sections of line.
Segment Section Side Step
The position of a small section is projected from the previous, then moved sideways by this side step.
Reflectivity Threshold
The reflectivity threshold to get a new segment is a percentage of the average intensity of last segment points.
Dashed Lines
High Reflective Pts Percentage
Use this percentage of higher reflectivities to calculate next reflectivity threshold. eg. next threshold is the average intensity of 10% higher intense point multiplied by intensity threshold parameter.
Consecutive Segs Null Max
Maximum number of consecutive null segments.
PC Pixel Size
Increase pixel size to reduce number of point cloud points used.
Solid Lines: Gap Distance Max
The length of the maximum gap on a solid road mark.
Feature Lengt Max
The maximum length for a feature. Detection continues as far as possible if this value is zero.
Final line Distance Points
Distance between the points on the final line
Dashed Lines: Resturn Dashed Line Segments
Should a dashed line be segmented into its units?