This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Workflow on Semi - Automated Guardrail Detection

This page describes the workflow of feature extraction using the semi-automated Guardrail detector.
For semi-automated measurements, see Semi Automated 3D Measurement Functions.
Overview and concepts about semi-automatic detectors, see Basic 3D Measurement Functions.
General concepts of Detectors Preferences, see Preferences of Detectors.


The process of detecting guardrails can be split into five main steps:

  1. Raw input data interpretation
  2. Create recordable linear dataset
  3. Set unique parameters for guardrail detection
  4. Detect representative guardrail
  5. Detect guardrail for all input data

Interpret Data, Inspect Guardrails

Each data set is unique and as such a new data interpretation is required. If you intend to save the upcoming detected guardrails, Create New Vector Dataset with spatial type as line. You can choose Guardrail under Pre-set configuration to benefit from preconfigured attributes in the attribute table. Set the dataset to recordable dataset= “red”.

Set Parameters

Enable linear reference measurements under Preferences Panel, 3D Hover, Measure options. Get the width and height of the guardrail by using the measure tools (use for example “Free line”). Set the parameters in the Guardrail Detector settings according to the above detected values (height and width).

Run detection on Sample Area

Select the Map 3D and then in the Slice view tab, select Vertical slice by 2 coordinates and hit start to select 2 points on your point cloud to create the slice. Adjust the slice to display the full extent of the Guardrails. Go to Measure and under Line select the Guardrail with 1 point semi-automatic function. A yellow box will appear in the slice view when guardrails weight and height are set correctly. Place the yellow box over the guardrails and click to start the detection/measurement.

Run detection and handle results

To automatically repeat this process, click on copy to feature to save the extracted feature in the line vector dataset or enable “Auto copy measurement to recorded dataset” in the 3D Hover preferences. If needed, repeat the process by clicking on the end of the detected line. Recreate a new detecting/measurement by clicking at the end of your last detected line in the required region on your point cloud.

The results can be imported and used to create an Inventory theme to further analyse the data using Manage Asset Inventory Themes and Verify inventory items.

Last modified:: 2022/02/16 13:11