For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Getting started .NET SDK
This page describes how to initialize the .NET SDK.
Download and extract the .NET SDK Bundle
The 3D Mapping Viewer is an HTML5 javascript application that runs in a web browser.
At startup the SDK creates a websocket server and passes the viewer URL to the operating system to open in a new browser tab.
The javascript viewer in the browser tab connects back to the SDK by opening a websocket channel.
The SDK was developed using Visual Studio Express 2017 on a Windows 10 Pro computer.
File Content
The two “bin” folders contain the binary files that are needed at runtime.
These files need to be put in the output “bin” (or “bin\Debug” or “bin\Release”) directory of your application.
Be sure to use the right processor architecture, either x86/32 bit or x64/64 bit.
The “Viewer3DM.dll” library contains the dotNet SDK classes. Add this library as a reference to your Visual Studio project.
Starting the viewer
To start the 3D mapping viewer call the “InitializeViewer” method on a new SDKViewerHost instance. The method signature is:
public void InitializeViewer(SDKViewerApplication3DM application, AMap<object> options);
Make sure your application implements the SDKViewerApplication3DM interface. It has one callback method:
public string GetApplicationName();
Use this to return the name of the application you are making.
The SDKViewer3DM class implements all Viewer3DM methods as described in the online SDK documentation.
SDK Updates
When installing an update of the SDK be sure to replace all binary files in the “bin\Debug” and “bin\Release” directories with the new version. Also, replace the “Viewer3DM.dll” reference in your application project with the new version.