This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Cyclomedia Offline

This page describes the original Cyclomedia offline mobile mapping resources for Orbit import.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.



  • Image type :
    • equirectangular panorama, ratio 2×1
    • multi-resolution, cubic, equirectangular image
    • multi-resolution, cubic, equisolid image
  • File format : each image is one *.jpg file
  • File name : exactly as “ImageId” value of image positions file, see below
  • Folder structure :
    • Organized in sub folder(s) within “original” folder of the run.
    • Sub folder name(s) : first 6 characters of “ImageId” value of image positions file, see below
    • Example: ImageId = “WE08UPD2” → Path to that image file is <Orbit run>\Panorama1\Original\WE08UP\WE08UPD2.jpg

Image positions file

  • File format: one *.xml file
  • File structure: each image is one <recording> (see example below)
  • CRS/SRID : ETRS89 Geographic, EPSG 4258
    <ExpiredAt i:nil="true" /> 
    <Images /> 
    <RecordedAt xmlns:a="">

Point Cloud

  • File format : One or more Las or Laz files
  • CRS/SRID : ETRS89 Geographic, EPSG 4258 1).
Orbit advises to use one and the same CRS for all entities of a Mapping Run. At import the source CRS of the point cloud can be re-configured to meet Cyclomedia's export and to be converted into the photo position CRS. Contact Orbit Support
Last modified:: 2023/05/12 16:31