This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Tiled Map Configuration for Web Map Services

It is advised to read first the documentation about Web Based Resources.

Web Services in HTML5 webclient

Direct connection to WMS\WMTS is not possible for HTML5 webclient. The OTM (Orbit TileMap) is an abstract image format that supports reading and rendering online image data.

It has several advantages in comparison with direct connection to a remote resource:

  • Unlike direct connection it requests not just an image of a current window in rendered on-the-fly resolution but tiles of 256*256 pixels on a certain level of pyramid which allows both: faster rendering and cashing of loaded data.
  • Possibility to transform loaded tiles and visualize them in any Map CRS.

The resource should be accompanied by an Orbit Resource Descriptor file. The resource coordinate system must be defined via the associated .ord file, just like other regular file based resources.

The following configuration parameters need to be defined in the '.otm' file for WMS service:


The following configuration parameters need to be defined in the '.otm' file for WMTS service:


Parameters present in *.otm file:

  • CRS : (Preferred)CRS should be chosen from the list of the projections enabled for the corresponding web service. If it's expected that the Map CRS mostly used for this data will be one of the enabled CRSs of the webservice then it's recommended to use it to avoid extra transformations as this is the CRS in which tiles will be rendered in.
  • PixelSize : Pixel size is used by OTM\WMS driver to create a pyramid of 256×256 pixel tiles, it also is a maximum detail size of the pixel to render (resolution of this abstract image).
  • Layer : Layer name Value of service FeatureType Name tag in the FeatureTypeList
  • ImageFormat: specification of the tiles image format is mandatory if the tiles format is not .png as Orbit expects by default .png format; <image format> Value of service FeatureType Format tag in the FeatureTypeList.
Check the capabilities document of the WM(T)S server to find the right parameter values.
For WMS server append “?REQUEST=GetCapabilities” to the URL to download this xml document.
For WMTS append “?Service=WMTS&Request=GetCapabilities&Version=1.0.0” to the URL to download this xml document.

Last modified:: 2019/07/31 07:25