This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Orbit Products Feature List & Comparison

This page gives a detailed feature overview and product comparison.

  • CM : 3DM Content Manager
  • Basic : 3DM Feature Extraction Basic
  • Stand : 3DM Feature Extractcion Standard
  • Pro : 3DM Feature Extraction Pro
  • Blur QC : 3DM Blur and Erase QC
  • Publ : EOS Console and Engine of 3DM Publisher
  • Cloud : Console and Engine of 3DM Cloud
  • API : Flash Based Viewer API for 3DM Publisher
Function CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Supported 3D Mapping Systems and Resources
3D Mapping Systems CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Mobile Mapping - Outdoor
Mobile Mapping - Indoor
Oblique Mapping
UAV / UAS Mapping
Terrestrial Scanning
3D Mapping Resources1) CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Trajectory Path and Accuarcy2)
Photo positions
Spherical imagery - 360 equirectangular
Spherical imagery - 360 cubic
Planar imagery - Streetlevel
Planar imagery - Nadir
Planar imagery - Oblique
LiDAR point cloud
Dense matched point cloud
Geodata resources
CRS independent
Import, Optimize, Organize and Blur 3D Mapping Resources
Import CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Import local resources
Import local resources - Orbit Run 6)
Import remote MM resources7)8)
Configure data for Orbit 3DM Publisher
Upload data to Orbit 3DM Cloud
Load data via Orbit 3DM Publisher
Load data via Orbit 3DM Cloud
Optimize, Verify and Adjust CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Optimize local Spherical imagery9)
Optimize local planar imagery10)
Optimize local point cloud11)
Process ortho image from Point Cloud
Process ortho image from Spherical imagery
Ground control points - Measurements and Verification
Ground control points - Quality report
Trajectory - Adjust segments by GCP12)
Trajectory - Remove segments
Point cloud - Semi-automated ghost cleaning13)
Point cloud - Select, highlight and delete.
Post capture lever arm calculation14)
Post capture alignment correction15)
Organize and Manage CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Create and edit Orbit 3DM Runs
Create and edit Orbit 3DM Projects
Create and edit Orbit 3DM Categories
Create and edit Orbit 3DM Publications
Catalog - Overview of all 3DM Runs
Catalog - Detailed information Runs & Projects
Restricted data access16)
Logging use of 3DM Runs
Logging use of 3DM Images
Logging use of 3DM Publications
Logging Throughput volume
Logging Network data traffic
Task Manager17)
Blur and Erase18) CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Define blur and erase areas
Define blur areas - Production workflow 19)
Verify and adjust blurring
Consolidate and export blurring
Report privacy issues
Email reported privacy issues
< 100% 45% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% >
View & Explore 3D Mapping Resources and Geodata
Image View CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Spherical images
Planar images
Combine Streetlevel Sphericals & Planars
Single Image View
Multiple Image Views
Brightness control
Photo positions
Photo Positions as Hotspots to open image
Photo Positions by Publication Category
Overlay point cloud
Overlay 2D and 3D vector data
Open next/previous image
Open next/previous image by step 1-10
Open nearby image by photo position hotspots
Open nearby planar image by direction arrows
Focus all views
Select vector overlays
Display image metadata20)
Display image copyright
Display view information21)
Export view as snapshot
3D View CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Trajectory Path and Accuarcy22)
Photo positions
Photo Positions as Hotspots
Photo Positions by Publication Category
Point cloud
Point Cloud Ortho Image
2D and 3D Vector data
Image and raster data
Export view as snapshot
Backdrops - Skyline
2D View or Reference View CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Trajectory Path and Accuarcy26)
Photo positions
Photo Positions as Hotspots
Photo Positions by Publication Category
Point Cloud
Point Cloud Ortho Image
2D and 3D vector data
Export view as snapshot
Slice View CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Point Cloud
Trajectory Graph CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Accuracy of trajectory path by time
Ground control points - Measured deviation
Measure & Extract Vector Features
3D Measurement and Feature Extraction CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Point cloud - Closest point
Point cloud - Flat surface
Point cloud - Ridge or corner
Image only - Forward intersection
Image only - Reference planes intersection
Point drop to street level
Point drop to ground
Distance perpendicular to reference line
Line - Ridge detection34)
Line - Road markings detection35)
Line - Rail detection36)
Catenary - Cable detection38)
Catenary - Parallel Cable detection39)
Area - Vertical rectangular area
Area - Horizontal rectangular area
Area - Circle
Area - Floor plan41)
Volume Rectangular42)
Display measurement results in different crs
Copy measurement to feature
Copy single measurement value to clipboard
Copy all measurement values to clipboard
Advanced tools for Feature Extraction CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Create Floor Plans
Attribute feature
Attribute feature using Value restrictions
Attribute feature using Rules and Formulas
Link file to feature
Link url to feature
Add snapshots to feature
Add ortho-rectified textured snapshot to feature
Add documents (shp, tiff, pdf, doc, jpg, . ) to feature
Production workflow - Complete operation
Production workflow - Fast operation
Manage inventory themes
QC tools
Multi operator simultaneous extraction (c/s)
Central management Resources (c/s)
Central management Workspaces (c/s)
Central management Users & Usergroups (c/s)
Central storage of extracted features (c/s)
Central storage to database (c/s)
Logging efficiency by Time & Operator (c/s)
Advanced Desktop Extensions for Feature Extraction CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Asset Inventory
Clash Detection
Contour Lines
Parallel Extraction
Point Cloud Select & Export
Profiles & Cross Sections
Profiles & Cross Sections Reports
Volumetric Analysis
Volumetric Analysis Reports
Geodata Resources
Supported Formats43)
(C = Create, R = Read, M = Modify, E = Export)
CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Vector Resources
Temporary Dataset44) CRME CRME
Local file based resources CRME CRME CRME CRME CRME CRME CRME R
Spatial databases RME RME CRME45) RME RME RME RME
Remote resources (WFS) RE RE RE RE RE RE RE R R
Remote resources (WKT, WKB as MapObjects) R
Remote resources (Orbit EOS) RME RME RME RME RME CRME CRME
Remote resources (Orbit 3DM Publisher, 3DM Cloud) R R
Image and Raster resources
Local file based resources CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE R
Remote resources (WMS,WMTS) R R R R R R R R R
Remote resources (TMS) R R R R R R R R
Remote resources (Orbit EOS) R R R R R R R
Remote resources (Orbit 3DM Publisher, 3DM Cloud) R R
Point Cloud resources
Local file based resources RME RE RE RE RE RE RE R
Remote resources (Orbit 3DM Publisher, 3DM Cloud) R R R R R R R R R
Geodata Management CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Composite resources or Resource Groups
Dataset Lists
Personal Workspace
Geodata Legend and Presentation CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Create Dataset Legend
Styling & Symbology
Pie charts
Textures, Hatching, Gradients
< 100% 45% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% >
Geodata Views & Tools
2D and 3D Views CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Map 2D
Map 2D embedded into 3rd party applications
Map 3D - Perspective
Map 3D - Isometric
Map 3D - Stereo
Print Layout View
Slice - Vertical
Slice - Horizontal
Slice - Free Plane
Clip Map 3D by Box
Clip Map 3D by Slice
2D and 3D Tools CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
2D Measurements
2D Annotation and Redlining
2D Constructions
2D Create new objects
2D Object editing
2D Advanced object editing
3D Measurements
3D Create new objects
3D Object editing
3D Annotation
Data Tools CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Search Object attribute values
Query Object attribute values
Search using 3rd party geocoding services
Convert & Optimize Vector resources
Convert & Optimize Image & Raster resources
Convert & Optimize Point cloud resources
Georeference Vector resources
Georeference Image resources
Create Vector Buffer
Merge Vector or Image resources
Split Vector resources
Attribute Objects CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Attribute new objects
Attribute editing
View selected Object attribute values
View dataset Object attributes values
Link files to feature via attribute component
Open linked files via attribute component
Supported Coordinate Reference Systems CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Geocentric CRS
Geographic CRS
Projected CRS (Metric, Intl Feet, US Survey Feet)
Invert CS Axis order
Custom projected CRS
Grid correction
Ellipsoid height
Orthometric height
Local height
ESPG codes
CRS transformations
Datum transformations
On the fly re-projection of data
Server Features
CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Extendable to Client/Server
Requires Connection to Orbit EOS Server
Requires Connection to Orbit 3DM Publisher
Requires Connection to Orbit 3DM Publisher or 3DM Cloud
Login restricted access, roles and data permissions
Central management Application & License
Central management Resources
Central management Workspaces
Central management Publications
Central management Users & Usergroups
Real-time monitoring of use
CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Concurrent Users
Concurrent Sessions
Named Users
Server Cores
Alphabetic Listing of Orbit Components & Orbit Extensions
CM Feature Extraction Blur
Publisher & Cloud
Basic Stand Pro Cat Publ Cloud Flash API
Asset Inventory
Blur & Erase
Blur Registration 46)
Clash Detection
Contour Lines
Convert Data
Dataset Properties
Feature Extraction - Workflow
Feature Extraction - Copy measurement to Feature
Floor plan Builder
Ghost Cleaning
Georeference Data
Ground Control Points
Map 2D
Map 2D WebClient
Map 3D
Map 3D WebClient
Map Layout
Measurements 2D
Measurements 3D
Measurements 3D - Automated completion
Measurements 3D - Oblique
Mobile Mapping
Mobile Mapping WebClient
Movie Maker
Object Inspector
Oblique WebClient
Optimize Data
Parallel Extraction
Post Capture Alignment
Profiles & Cross Sections
Report a problem
Resource Library
Slice View
Spatial Join
Sphercial Image Web Viewer
Task Manager
Tools 2D Editing
Tools 2D Constructions
Tools 2D Annotations
Tools 3D Point Cloud
Tools 3D Clipping
Tools Additional47)
Trajectory Graph
Volumetric Analysis
Supported 3D Mapping Resources : Detailed technical overview, see Supported Mapping Resources.
2) , 22) , 26)
Trajectory Path and Accuarcy : Full Trajectory of Mobile Mapping Systems.
3) , 23) , 27)
Coverage : Simplified representation of Mobile Mapping Trajectory Path or connected Photo Position of 3D Mapping System.
4) , 24) , 28)
Footprints : Footprints of Oblique or Nadir Mapping System.
5) , 25) , 29)
Envelope : Bounding box of collected data.
Import local resources - Orbit Run : Add Orbit Run, 3D Mapping resources prepared to be used by Orbit.
Import remote Mobile Mapping resources : Connect to remote MM Services of Cyclomedia & earthmine.
Import remote MM resources : Orbit 3DM Blur and Erase QC supports remote MM resources for viewing only. No blur or erase areas can be defined on remote resources.
Optimize local Spherical imagery : performance, resolution, quality.
Optimize local planar imagery : performance, 360 viewing.
Optimize local point cloud : performance, attribute stripping, size.
Trajectory - Adjust segments by GCP : Ground Control Points.
Point cloud - Semi-automated ghost cleaning : only on streets, street area required.
Post capture lever arm calculation : image to point cloud.
Post capture alignment correction : apply lever arm to allign image position and orientation to point cloud.
Restricted data access : Feature Extraction in Client/Server only.
Task Manager : create and execute list of tasks that must be executed one by one.
Blur and Erase : Blur and Erase tools operate on spherical imagery only.
Define blur areas - Production workflow : Available in Blur and Erase Production only.
Display image metadata : run, project, photo id, timestamp.
Display view information : position, field of view, orientation.
Footprints of Oblique or Nadir Mapping System.
3D Measurements, Points : x ,y ,z ,height.
3D Measurements, Distances : length xyz, length xy, length z, slope, slant.
3D Measurements, Lines : length xyz, length xy, length z.
3D Measurements, Line - Ridge detection : conditional point cloud measurement.
3D Measurements, Line - Road markings detection : conditional point cloud measurement.
3D Measurements, Line - Rail detection : conditional point cloud measurement.
3D Measurements, Catenary : distance over curve, clearance, span, coordinate lowest point.
3D Measurements, Catenary - Cable detection : conditional point cloud measurement.
3D Measurements, Catenary - Parallel Cable detection : conditional point cloud measurement.
3D Measurements, Areas : area xyz, area xy, outline length xyz, outline length xy, outline length z.
3D Measurements, Floor plan : wall extraction tools.
3D Measurements, Volume Rectangular : volume, baseline 1 length, baseline 2 length, height.
Supported Formats : detailed overview, Supported Resources.
Temporary Dataset : Allows on the fly annotation, attribution and download
Spatial databases : Create spatial database tables is only supported when using Feature Extraction Standard in Client/Server.
Blur Registration : Available in Blur and Erase Production only.
Tools Additional : convert, optimize, georeference, spatial Join.
Last modified:: 2019/05/07 12:49