This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Orbit GIS Workspace file

One can define a workspace as a session in Orbit that includes the imported datasets and the exact position on the map in the indicated Coördinate Reference System.
A workspace is saved as a range of settings including a list of datasets and view preferences. It bundles your choice of datasets and settings into a single file for easy and fast recovery.


The .ogw-file (Orbit GIS Workspace) is a text file with .ogw extension.
It has the following structure:


The imported Datasets in Orbit are saved in the Workspace file. Following properties are stored:

  • The sequence of the datasets.
  • The location type of the dataset: local in case of a local imported dataset, EOS in case of a dataset imported via EOS, other location types.
  • The location or resource directory of the dataset: In case of a local dataset, the file directory. For EOS datasets, the EOS location is used.

Datasetlist Options

The Datasetlist Options determine the appearance of the datasets in Orbit. The dataset properties for each dataset are stored:

  • The DatasetName: The Name that is shown in the Dataset List.
  • The LegendDisplay: The Legend Display is shown or not. (true/false)
  • The Visibility: The dataset is visible or not. (true/false)
  • The Selectability: Objects within the certain dataset are selectable or not. (true/false)
  • Solosafe option: The solosafe function is enabled or not. (true/false)

Map Position

The Map Position options apply to the X,Y position of the map, the indicated scale and the current Workspace CRS.

  • The X,Y Position : The X and Y coördinates in the workspace CRS positioned in the middle of the map view.
  • The Scale : The used scale of the map view.
  • The CRS or Coördinate Reference System: The CRS settings for the current workspace.

Reasons to use

  • A Workspace is your working environment, including a list of Datasets, view and legend preferences.
  • Workspaces can be easily created, saved and reopened for easy management of your work and projects.
  • It can be exchanged within a network.

Create and Update

A Workspace file (.ogw) can be created, opened and saved from the Main Toolbar > Workspace.

Last modified:: 2019/04/10 11:22