This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Prepare MM Data LiBackpack C50
Quality Warning
The data doesn't meet the required conditions set by Orbit GT to create a template. In agreement with GreenValley International, this provisional template is already made available. We advise to use it with caution and to keep an eye on our documentation. The template will be updated when there is more information available on the hardware system.
The data doesn't meet the required conditions set by Orbit GT to create a template. In agreement with GreenValley International, this provisional template is already made available. We advise to use it with caution and to keep an eye on our documentation. The template will be updated when there is more information available on the hardware system.
This page describes LiBackpack C50 and Mobile Mapping resources for Orbit.
Using the according Orbit Import Templates the described resources can be imported into Orbit.
It is strongly recommend to read first Concepts of Mobile Mapping and UAS data in Orbit.
Image files
- Image type: equirectangular panoramas.
- Image resolution: Ratio 2×1
- File format: Each image is one *.jpg file.
- Filename: Exactly as filePath of image positions file, without the first part (path to the folder to which they belong).
- Example: value for filePath in the Image Position File = 'Img/img4.jpg' → Filename is 'img4.jpg'
- Folder structure:
- Organized in (a) subfolder(s) within the “original” folder of the run.
- Sub folder name(s) : “Img”, see below
- Example: filePath = “Img/img4.jpg” → Path to that image file is <Orbit run>\Panorama1\Original\Img\img4.jpg
Image positions file
- File format: One ASCII file.
- File structure Rows: Each image is one record.
- File structure Columns: Comma separated, headers, with exact order as in the example below.
- Value of filePath, column 0: Filename as on disk, with file extension and subfolder to which the image file belongs.
- Value of Coordinates: any supported coordinate system can be used, Long/Lat order for geographical coordinates, decimal notation, without thousands separator. In the case that a local CRS was used, the use of EPSG 3395 is advised.
filePath,time,roll,pitch,heading,x,y,z Img//img4.jpg,3.148,174.3836661,0.6821018,88.4273450,0.051,-0.181,0.230 Img//img5.jpg,4.148,174.3215960,0.6617442,88.7600099,0.054,-0.223,0.220 Img//img6.jpg,5.148,176.4526122,-0.1641862,89.6577228,0.133,-0.686,0.200 Img//img7.jpg,6.148,176.6726066,-0.0688405,87.6401731,0.033,-1.580,0.237 ...
Point cloud files
- File format: One or more *.las files.
- File structure: Las version 1.2.
- Value of Coordinates: Same CRS as Photopositions.
- Value of Timestamps: Same Time Reference as Photopositions, see above.
Last modified:: 2019/10/09 08:30