This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.


How does it work ?

Very simple.  In 3D Mapping Cloud, you rent a certain volume of storage space, 1 TB at the time.  And it is very cheap. You can pick any volume of data, as long as it is per 1 TB.  You can upscale and downscale as you please. When you upload data (see About Upload Tools ), the current available free space is indicated.  You can upload, update or delete resources as you please as long as you stay within the storage volume you've selected.  Need more storage, just upgrade with what you need.  

What if you're only consuming data ?

If you do not own any data, but are consumer of data, you will be using data that other people or organisations have uploaded and have shared with you.  You may also be consuming open data provided by other third parties such as Open Street Map.  In such case, you may not have the need to store your own data in 3D Mapping Cloud.  

What if you're a Guest User ?

As a Guest User, you have only access to what 3D Mapping Cloud organisations have publicly shared with you.  As long as you do not have your own account, you cannot upload your own data.  And as a Guest User, the storage or storage location of the data that is presented to you, is hidden.  

Where is my data stored ?

Your data is stored in secured Data Centers hosted by Microsoft Azure, by default.  All your data is Locally Redundant, meaning there is a safety copy instantly available within the same Data Center.  Yes, a safety copy is included in our offering ! Azure's Data Centers are spread all over the globe.  3D Mapping Cloud can deploy in every Data Center.  These are Azure's Data Centers : Today, 3D Mapping Cloud is deployed in West Europe, East US, South-East Asia and Central Australia.  Contact us if you would like us to deploy on a different Data Center.  For every resource that you upload, you can pick the Data Center, as well as preset a default Data Center for your organisation.  Your Account Administrator can decide which Data Centers are to be used by the Organisation, and exclude other ones. 3D Mapping CLoud Data Centers, on date of October 2018.  

Government Restricted Data Centers

Microsoft Azure provides a couple of Government-only Data Centers.  3D Mapping Cloud can also be deployed in those Data Centers.  To have your data stored on one of these Data Centers, you must comply to a set of conditions.  Contact us if you wish to know more.  


Microsoft Azure provides an option to setup a private environment for your organisation within an Azure Data Center, called 'Tenants'.  This means that all storage, network performance, virtual machines, CPU's etc, will be strictly reserved to your organisation, and you will enjoy full power of it.  (That is in contrast to standard Cloud based operations, where such activities are shared amongst users).  Contact us if you wish to know more.  

Hybrid Setups

If you are using an Orbit 3DM Publisher, you can disclose the data hosted by the Publisher in 3D Mapping Cloud. You can do so by declaring a Publisher as a 'Hybrid Data Center' in 3D Mapping Cloud, then select the resources to be accessible from your 3D Mapping Cloud account. Obviously, the user will have to have access to the Publisher.  Typically, this is implemented for organisations that own a 3DM Publisher and wish to use 3D Mapping Cloud to incorporate data from 3rd parties into the viewer.  Also typically, the Publisher's resources that have been made available in 3D Mapping Cloud will only be used within the organisation.  

What about Data Security ?

Your data is securely stored in Azure's Data Centers.  Direct Access to your data (e.g. by a URL pointing to the storage) is impossible.  All data transfer runs through our severs and is sent over the internet in a proprietary encrypted form embedded in https.

Last modified:: 2019/10/08 11:11