This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

How to use the Orbit Knowledge Base?

The Orbit knowledge base is a reference documentation for all Orbit products.
It is a wiki and always under construction. Please report any incompleteness or ambiguity in our documentation to support at orbitgt dot com. You will be awarded.

Product family homepages

Orbit uses one engine, we are proud of. All our products interact with the Orbit engine and can use the same components or extensions.
To keep the documentation transparent, we created a home page for each product family. That is where you should start : Knowledge Base


All generic documentation is available in English. Domain specific documentation for governments and public safety solutions might be available in Dutch or French.

The Orbit products themselves are translated and available in : Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
The product translations are done by some of our partners, thank you. Translating the documentation, is not manageable : we are completing and updating the documentation daily. Using your support questions pages get restructured and missing information will be completed.

You are sure, you are looking for a hard copy?
No we don't offer. This online interactive wiki is the most complete and “always” up-to-date product documentation. It will never go to the paper bin.
If you can't find what you are looking for let us know, or maybe the wiki search function in the right upper corner will help.

Search function

Once you are at the knowledge base section ( the search function at the right upper corner will only list knowledge base pages. No other website or product information will be included in the search result.
If you open a search result, check the page's main tree at the left upper corner. For this page this is : “Orbit Knowledge Base” > “Orbit Core Technology”. This as verification you are viewing the expected documentation.

Reference and Tutorials

The Orbit knowledge base is mainly a reference documentation, offered via product family home pages and structured using the product interface.
We are missing a large set of tutorials. We will work on that, but what do you think about a 2 hours getting started training?

To answer the question “I found the documentation but can't find this feature within Orbit” we used the green arrow icon. This icon is used to highlight were to find the documented functionality in Orbit.

The “Post-it” image is used to used to highlight some interesting topics or quick tutorials using the documented feature. Click on the Post-it and explore.

No permissions, Need access

Some pages require login (right upper corner) to get access. If you don't have permissions you wanted contact sales at orbitgt dot com.

Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36