This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Fly Sidebar


Use the Fly Sidebar to create 3D fly-through which you can use for didactic purposes. The fly-through movie is a simulated navigation on the Map 3D following a predefined 3D Movie Path.
All visible 2D and 3D resources are included in the movie recordings as visible in the recorded view mode. Multiple flythroughs can be created and edited.

Create Fly-through

Flight Settings
Choose the corresponding view in 3D view mode from where the video needs to be recorded. The selected view will be highlighted with a purple frame. Set Fly-through speed.

Define Way Points
The Movie Path is defined by a list of Waypoints. A Waypoint combines a coordinate and view direction.

  • Add : Add the current View Position as Waypoint.
  • Update : Replace the selected Waypoint by the current Map 3D View Position.
  • Remove : Delete the selected Waypoint.

Choose a way point from where the flight needs to start by going to the chosen point and click 'Start Flight From This Way Point'.
A flight can be played backwards by choosing the option at the top of the view during the play.

Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36