This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Orbit XML File
The Orbit XML File (*.oxf) is Orbit's native xml vector file storage format.
An OXF stores both object geometry and attribute information.
The OXF has similar data structure capabilities as the Orbit Vector File.
Reasons to use
- uses the XML format which is both human and machine readable
- takes advantage of the extended structure capabilities of the original OVF
On OXF file can be created by exporting a dataset, see Context Menu.
Legend and Georeference
The OXF can be accompanied by
- an Orbit Legend file (*.olg) to define the legend or presentation of the resource in Orbit.
- an Orbit Resource Description file (*.ord) to define the coordinate reference system of the resource in Orbit.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <root> <models> <model id="1" name="model1"> <modeldefinition datatype="Point/Line/Area" dimensions="2D/3D"> <attributes> <attributetable id="1" name="table1"> <attribute id="1" name="attributename1" datatype="String/Boolean/Integer1/Integer2/Integer4/Integer8/Float4/Float8" /> <attribute id="2" name="attributename2" datatype="String/Boolean/Integer1/Integer2/Integer4/Integer8/Float4/Float8" /> </attributetable> <attributetable id="2" name="table2"> <attribute id="1" name="attributename1" datatype="String/Boolean/Integer1/Integer2/Integer4/Integer8/Float4/Float8" /> <attribute id="2" name="attributename2" datatype="String/Boolean/Integer1/Integer2/Integer4/Integer8/Float4/Float8" /> <attribute id="3" name="attributename3" datatype="String/Boolean/Integer1/Integer2/Integer4/Integer8/Float4/Float8" /> </attributetable> </attributes> </modeldefinition> </model> <model id="2" name="model2"> ... </model> </model> <model id="3" name="model3"> ... </model> </models> <objects modelid="1"> <object id="objectid"> <spatial> <part> <point x="X" y="Y" / x="X" y="Y" z="Z"/> <point x="X" y="Y" / x="X" y="Y" z="Z"/> ... <point x="X" y="Y" / x="X" y="Y" z="Z"/> </part> </spatial> <attributerow tableid="1" rowid="0"> <attribute id="1" value="columnvalue1" /> <attribute id="2" value="columnvalue2" /> </attributerow> <attributerow tableid="2" rowid="0"> <attribute id="1" value="columnvalue1" /> <attribute id="2" value="columnvalue2" /> <attribute id="3" value="columnvalue3" /> </attributerow> </object> </objects> <objects modelid="..."> ... </objects> <objects modelid="..."> ... </objects> <objects modelid="..."> ... </objects> </root>
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36