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Panorama loading options

This page describes the available panorama loading options.
When loading a panorama photo, you can provide a number of options that can influence how a photo is presented after being loading.

Name Since Type Description
pan 10.4.1 <number> The pan angle to apply after loading the photo.
tilt 10.4.1 <number> The tilt angle to apply after loading the photo.
fov 10.4.1 <number> The field-of-view angle to apply after loading the photo.
lookAt 10.4.1 <boolean> The flag that enables looking at a specific coordinate after loading the photo. If the lookAtCoordinate option is not set, the viewer will try to look in the direction of the coordinate the user specified. If the user didn't specify a coordinate (for example when opening a viewer using a photo object) then this flag does nothing.
lookAtCoordinate 10.4.1 <coordinate> The coordinate to look at after loading the photo.
lookAtCoordinateCRS 10.4.1 <string> The crs of the lookAtCoordinate.
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36