For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Publisher Customize Publications
Customize template html
An Orbit Publication viewed in a browser can be customized via simple html editing.
The Orbit Publisher service uses pre-configured html templates to create the published publication webpages.
These html templates contain multiple variables which will be completed on publishing the publications.
One can add or modify these templates according his preference. E.g. favicon, page title.
This is html editing has nothing to do with Orbit, so for more information, let me Google that for you.
All available publication templates will be published.
The templates are managed by the extension Publisher
<Orbit installation directory>\server\program\services\ext_publisher\publication_template
Any adjustment of the html templates requires a re-publish of the publication to take advantage of the template edits.
Add geocode plugins
It is possible to embed your own geocode search engine to the web publication. Orbit is a software company focusing inter alia on oblique and mobile mapping.
We do not develop and maintain geocode search engines. But we do support the use of geocode services.
Using java scripting it is possible to embed and use an existing geocode service to center the map and search for the nearest available panorama image. Add one ore more javascript geocode plugins to the Orbit publisher service :
<Orbit installation directory>\server\program\services\ext_publisher\publication_geocode_plugins
Review Notes on Geocoding Plugins and use the default available Google plugin as reference to create your own plugin.
This Google geocode plugin uses the free Google services with limited capabilities.
All available plugins will be listed from the EOS Console to be added to a publication.
Special attention is required when setting the Orbit WebService to Https.
Update all http://
settings to https://
to allow secure communication and to avoid http-https network security conflicts.
Point Cloud Overlay Legend Settings
The point cloud can be displayed as overlay on the spherical image. The point cloud legend is a fixed and single sever side configuration applied to all Publications and cannot be changed using the Flash WebClient.
Related documentation
- Point cloud measure techniques, see Measurements using Point Cloud.
- Point cloud legend possibilities, Point Cloud Legend and Viewing Restrictions.
- Enable point cloud overlay on images for Publications, see EOS Console > Publishers.
Server side configuration file :
<Orbit Installation Directory>/server/program/wwwroot/publications/point_cloud_panorama_legend.ini
Distance 50.0 Time 5 ColorType Distance Intensity.Min 0 Intensity.Max 256 Height.Min 0.0 Height.Max 0.0 PixelSize 2 Color1 255.255.0 Color2 0.0.255 ColorPalette 1 IntensityModulation true Thinning 0
Listed parameters, between brackets (Data Type / Value Range / Default Value).
- Distance (Float / 0.0 - 50.0 / 50.0) : View depth distance limitation in meters from photo position. 0 = infinite .
- Time (Integer / 0-10 / 0) : View depth time limitation in seconds from photo timestamp. 0 = Infinite.
- ColorType (String / Fixed, RGB, Intensity, Height, Distance / Distance) : Point coloring.
- Intensity.Min, Intensity.Max (Integer / 0-256 / 0) : Applicable for ColorType by Intensity to refine color range. 0 = visible range.
- Height.Min, Height.Max (Integer / full range / 0) : Applicable for ColorType by Height to refine color range. 0 = visible.
- PixelSize (Integer / 1-5 / 2) : Point size.
- Color1, Color2 : From - To Color for using a simple two-color range.
- ColorPalette (Integer / 0,1,2,3 / 1) : Overrides simple two-color range. 0 = disable.
- IntensityModulation (Boolean / True,False / True) : Apply intensity as saturation on point coloring.
- Thinning (Integer / 0-10 / 0) : Point thinning. 0 = no thinning.