This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
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Examples of using Pie Charts
Title / Labels
This legend is been used for the examples (slices defined by attribute):
- PieChart Title:
- Show Title = Visible
- TitleStyle = text
- TitleHotspot = 10 point on screen, above
- PieChart Labels: Show Name = Visible
- PieChart Shadow: Drop Shadow, 3 point on screen
- PieChart Title: Show Title = Visible, TitleStyle = text ; TitleHotspot: 10 point on screen, above
- PieChart Display Total: Show Total = Visible; Display in a box
- PieChart Labels: Show Value = Visible
- PieChart Shadow: Drop Shadow, 3 point on screen
- PieChart Title: Show Title = Visible, TitleStyle = text ; TitleHotspot: 10 point on screen, above
- PieChart Labels: Show % = Visible; Show Dividers = Visible
- PieChart Shadow: Drop Shadow, 3 point on screen
- PieChart Title: Show Title = Visible, TitleStyle = text ; TitleHotspot: 10 point on screen, above
- PieChart Display Total: Show Total = Visible; Display in a box
- PieChart Labels: Show Name = Visible; Show Value = Visible; Show % = Visible; Show Dividers = Visible
- PieChart Shadow: Drop Shadow, 3 point on screen
PieChart Size
Legend (Expected Age at Birth, slices defined by classification):
Pie Size:
- Determine by: Population
- Radius minimum: 10
- Radius maximum: 40
- Size Unit: Point on Screen
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36